Safeword (CHP 30)

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You should know. you should know by now. What they say, what they say, what they say when you're not around.

-TV Girl

(...this is so far the absolute LONGEST chapter in the series but its kind of important in the long run, so... give me read time)

Hunter's haircut was...

Well, it was a haircut.

He saw the others as a family, basically his siblings at this point (besides Edric, obviously). As it turned out, they treated him like a brother as well.

Hence their outright laughs at his new haircut. 

Of course, everyone understood his fear of Belos, more specifically becoming Belos. Everyone had a level of the same fear. However, that wasn't going to stop anyone from saying some snarky, smart-ass remark about it.

Besides Edric. He loved Edric for that, the only one who only complimented his hair. He really needed that validation, after the panic attack that had become the sole cause of such a drastic change.

"Babe, I'm boooooored!" Ed whined, laying down on his stomach on the bed. His head was buried in his folded arms, muffling his voice slightly.

"How do you get bored? You come up with a new  pet name for me at least three times a week!" Hunter was at the window sill with Flapjack, feeding him from the palm of his hand.

"But that doesn't make me any less bored unless you react to it!" He sat up, tucking one leg underneath him loosely.

"...fine. What do you want to do today?" He turned back towards him, Flapjack flying onto his shoulder as he finished eating.

"I don't know."

Hunter groaned, rubbing his temples. He loved Edric, sure, but his indecisiveness was one of his very few flaws.

Just then, a knock sounded at the door.

"Hey guys? I wanted to go to the Bonesborough Demon Garden, and I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to go... no pressure, obviously." Willow asked politely from behind the door.

"That sound good with you, Ed? A garden?" Hunter propped his hands onto his own hips, tilting his head slightly.

"It's a demon garden, so there has to be something interesting... Yeah, Willow! We'll go!" Ed called back at the door, the only indication that Willow heard was her steps fading away from the door.

It didn't take very long for either to be ready. Hunter just needed to throw a clean shirt on an freshen up. Edric only needed to look at himself in the mirror and use the illusionist magic to create his ideal self for the day, alongside basic hygenic care.

"We got everything?" Willow inquired, her hair braided neatly and a literal mom bag slung on her shoulder.

"...what's in the bag?" Hunter asked, Ed having the same question.

"Oh, you know the basics... Snails, snacks, water, sunscreen, pepper spray.. Everything we'd need for today!" She smiled widely.

She really was the mom friend.

Willow pulled out a neatly folded map, opening it up. "Okaaaayyyy, we just need to follow this all the way there and we're gonna be right on time for the opening boiling water fountains show!" She opened the door, leading them all outside.

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