She Smokes in Bed (CHP 32)

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Blackened matches strewn across the floor. The smoke rose slowly and was pushed out by the vent.

-TV Girl

"Hunter, I'm booooreddd!!" Edric complained, a hand gently running through the boy's hair.

"Last time you were bored, we ended up getting a second palisman. What's your great suggestion on what we should do now?" Hunter grumbled, burying his face into the boy's chest.

"...would it be bad if I said I don't know?" He chuckled a bit nervously and Hunter sighed.

"You never know what you want to do, but you hate what I want to do when you can't decide!" 

"That's because you only ever want to watch old reruns of demon shows that look like they're from the eighties and go read Cosmic Frontier!"

"Those are perfectly good pastimes... I'm sorry you don't have any." He shrugged.

"It's not that I don't have any! I just used to do everything with Emira- and that was mostly just causing trouble."

"Of course it was." Hunter rolled his eyes as he stood up, walking towards their window sill. Flapjack and Sunny had both rested themselves on the sill, fluttering off and flying besides Hunter as he looked at the Boiling Isles night sky.

Ed watched the three. He smiled softly at the way Hunter was so lost in the view and the way both palismen seemed just as lost in such a thoughtful trance.

An idea struck him. Edric stood up walking over to the window. His butterfly landed gently on his shoulder, making small squeaks and squeals he simply ignored as he glanced over at Hunter with a slightly mischievous smirk.

Hunter looked back over at him and sighed. That stupidly charming smirk only ever meant one thing: trouble. "Oh Ti- gosh... what are you planning now, Blight?"

"I was just thinking... We know how to fly our staffs now, right? So what would be so wrong about going for a small little night flight?" Ed's smirk only widened, leaning in closer to him.

"...that sounds stupidly dangerous. And wouldn't that involve sneaking out? I don't wanna wear out Raine and Eda's generosity. " Hunter hesitated at the prospect... then again, he had never been one for breaking rules.

"You really wanna tell me that Eda the Owl Lady has NEVER snuck out at our age? I have money she's snuck to go on a date with Raine!"

"I mean- yeah, she's a bit of a troublemaker but that isn't a reason to betray her trust-"

"Hunter." He interrupted, grabbing his boyfriend's shoulder.

Hunter turned to him, clearly nervous about the whole ordeal but willing to hear him out on this.

"I'm an expert at sneaking out. I have been ever since I was nine! We won't get caught, I promise." Ed smiled sweetly, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

"That really doesn't make me feel any better, Ed."

"I know."

After much too long of hesitation on Hunter's part and reassurance on Edric's, here they were, flying above a richer part of Bonesborough. It was inherently clear these were the citizens who didn't have a bunch of side hustles to be able to afford their food.

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