Loving Machine (CHP 28)

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Sometimes he holds her hand too tight. Ooh, but that's alright. 'Cause he'll never leave. No, he'll never leave.

-TV Girl

The book about palismen was finished fairly quickly, thanks to Hunter's quick reading pace. He had always been considered a teen prodigy for a good reason.

Luckily for Edric, that meant his library date was just going to come earlier than when he was expecting. 

So, there the couple was, hand in hand walking down one of Bonesborough's main streets. Despite being so horrifying the first go around, Edric did feel a whole lot better when Hunter was with him.

Once again, it didn't take much time to get there.

"Holy- THIS is the library?" Hunter exclaimed in awe, twirling around in his place to soak in every detail.

"Yeah, it's kind of crazy... a little bit closer in the back is some flying books- it is insane..." He giggled at his boyfriend's reaction, taking the book away from him to return it to the librarian.

"God... this is wayyy too cool." Hunter laughed a bit, grabbing onto his hand again to lead him through.

It was another entirely mystical and entrancing experience, walking around this magic library. What made it only better was Edric being a natural trouble maker and causing another level of adventure to ensue every corner they turned.

Feeding the filing cabinets, despite the clear sign not to. It resulted in a flurry of papers flying around them, which covered their disappearance as they booked it from the angry librarians.

Changing the non-fiction sign to say fiction... actually, maybe that wasn't the funniest thing ever... they did cause that poor witch to have a breakdown whether anything was real or not.

It was fun, though, and both had zero clue how they didn't get caught and kicked out within fifteen minutes...

As their visit calmed down, the true reason Hunter even wanted to go to the library began to show. 

"TIta- God,  this had been a lot of fun... but don't you think we should check at least one book out? That way they don't assume it was us causing all those issues..." Hunter leaned against a shelf they had hidden out between, trying to catch his own breath from all their shenanigans.

"Yeah... probably a good idea.. but what book would we even check out?" Ed leaned against the shelf right across from him, looking around the shelf.

"Hm... how about this? I mean- what the hell even is a Grimwalker?" He inconspicuously pulled a book off the shelf, pretending as if the Grimwalker part was completely random... Hunter did have a plan when he pulled Edric in that particular shelf.

"A Grimwalker? Wasn't that something Belos mentioned at some point..?" He walked up closer behind him, wrapping his arms around Hunter's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

Hunter squeaked, his cheeks reddening slightly, but he shook his head. "Uhhh no... I don't think so... and I feel like that would have been a term I remembered."

"Huh, alright then." Ed shrugged, squeezing him just that much closer.

What really caught Hunter off guard were soft kisses being planted on his neck.

His eyes widened, his face turning an even deeper shade of red, trying to keep his breathing calm. He moved a hand down to unhook Edric's hands from around his waist to turn and face him. The hands didn't drop though, now holding his waist simply.

"You are such an idiot..." Hunter muttered, placing his hands on Edric's chest, still holding the book.

The other didn't respond, instead pressing his lips against Hunter's. Hunter leaned into it, his arms draping around the taller's shoulders. They stayed kissing like that for a moment, until Edric's lips parted and so did Hunter's.

The kiss deepened, Hunter being pushed back against the shelf slightly. Edric's hands rubbed small circles into the sides of his hips, Hunter shutting his eyes even tighter. God this boy was driving him crazy...

Though, the moment was quickly ruined. Hunter accidentally dropped the book, a loud slam resonating through the dark, otherwise empty library aisle. They broke off immediately, both slightly shocked. That.... was not where either of them expected an innocent kiss placed in the library to lead.

"We should... we should probably start heading back to the Owl House, check this book out.." Hunter mumbled, kneeling down to pick up the dropped book.

"That's a good idea." Ed placed his hands in his pockets, obviously the confidence he had when he was kissing Hunter quickly disintegrating.

The two headed homewards within a couple more moments, their hands still interlaced as they walked down the street. Hunter just simply could not believe he had gotten the information he so desperately wanted on himself and a kiss more passionate than he would have ever even began to dream of.

Edric simply could not believe he had gained the confidence to do such a thing, nor the fact the only thing that had stopped either of them was the book falling and possibly giving their exact location in the library away.

Either way both boys had received some fairly useful information that might be of some help later down the line.

825 words.

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