For You (CHP 26)

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And I'm starting to suspect you don't intend to do what you say at all. Forgive your loyal sycophant for leaving lipstick stains on your shoes.

-TV Girl

As many can attract a cold from too much time in cold rains and improper care afterwards,  witches can develop 'molds' from being exposed to boiling rains and not taking care of the exposed patch of skin.

Apparently, humans can develop molds too.

Edric had woken up first, finally later than the god awful early time of dawn Hunter had trained him too. 

Though he had to note... Hunter hadn't woken up either. That was out of character for him- he was always up early and prompt.

Edric sat up, groaning as he stretched. Slowly he reached over, shaking his lover awake. "Hunter.... Hunter, it's light outside. Come on, it's time to wake up."

"Mmmm... five more minutes..." A hand swatted Edric's away, which was NOT like him at all.

"Hunter? Are you feeling alright?" Edric asked, tilting his head out of curiousity.

"Mhmmm.. never been better..." The blonde rolled over, smiling dumbly back up at him.

That was an obvious lie. He had CLEARLY been better...

The dark rings under his eyes had grown darker, his nose red and stuffy as he sniveled. Hunter had always fallen victim to the morning curse of bed head, but today? It was all over the place. It was clear Hunter had caught some sort of sickness, he just wasn't sure exactly what.

"...Hunter, I think you're sick." He placed a hand on the boy's forehead, quickly pulling away. "Holy. Shit, You're really, REALLY hot right now..."

"Awe, thanks... you're pretty cute yourself." Hunter chuckled, clearly sick out of his head... he was never quite this confident when it came to Edric.

"I've got to get Eda, you are clearly out of it." His face went red as he stiffly stood up, rushing down to grab the Owl Lady.

"It's a case of the common mold, it's nothing serious!" She waved her diagnosis off, leaning into the door way of the room.

"Yeah, but we have no idea how it's gonna affect him! What if it does something.. really bad to him?" Edric had gone complete care giver mode, making sure to watch over Hunter every chance he could get... the blonde was doing fine on his own, waving his sock covered hands around. "Eda, just look at him!"

"Wooooahhh! It's like I have snakes for arms!!" Hunter was absolutely astonished by it, distracted and in his own little world.

"He's gonna be fine by tomorrow, Blight boy. Chill it, I'll have your friends take today to make him soup.. or something." Eda shrugged, walking back off to the kitchen.

Edric sighed. She was absolutely no help unless she wanted to be, apparently, she wasn't in the mood to be helping out right now. He entered the room again, kneeling down by Hunter.

"I think you're gonna have to stay in here all day... do you want anything?" He asked the boy softly.

"Youuur nummberrr.." Hunter's voice was slurred and he winked at him, causing Edric to rub his temples.

"Something that doesn't involve me?"

"Hmm.." He thought for a moment, glancing at the red cardinal perched on the windowsill. "Can you go get me a book? On those... magic staff thingies.. I wanna know how to take care of him."

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