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Paige POV

I sighed in relief as I closed my math book, boy did I hate math. My teacher announced that it was time for lunch and I couldn't be happier. My teacher dismissed us and I went to my bag taking my lunch out. 

Today I had to make my own lunch since I'm one of the not very liked kids if I put it that way. I was already running late this morning so I could only pack a cheese sandwich, some grapes and a juicebox

"Paige there you are!" My friend Tim called out. I was sitting at one of the back tables, answering some messages from the caretakers at the adoption center.

During lunch we talked about everything and anything, Tim had been sick for a week so we had a lot to catch up on. He was like my big brother, he was 16 and on the football team, now you may wonder how we ended up as friends, well he was as the adoption center when I arrived four years ago. But he got adopted about one year ago, but we went to the same school so we saw each other quite often. He made me befriend the guys on the football team, because 'I want to be able to hang out with all of you at the same time'. But they are all nice and treat me like a little sister so it's kinda cool I guess.

The rest of the day went on as normal, we had PE, and we played dodgeball today. After PE we had music which I had with one of the guys from the football team called Max. In music I play the bass, which is my favorite instrument. And Max played the drums, the music class had students from grade 9 to 12, which is why we're in the same class. We played some good ol' classics which was super cool and after music I went home.

 When I got back home I tried to do some homework which didn't end well since I have ADHD, and I usually don't take my medication because I don't feel good. I really tried I did, but the kids were running around screaming outside of my room so I decided to call it a night and went to bed.

I hope you liked this chapter, and I'm going to try to update at least 4 more chapters:)

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