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Longish chapter for me anyway.

When we got back home I ran upstairs and did what I needed.

"Thank you Ashton, we don't have to tell the others do we?" He shook his head.

"Not as long as you help me hang out this sheet." We went to the washing line and pegged it up. When we came back in the boys were on the couch as well as Cara.

"You guys are up early." Ashton said.

"Yeah I dunno why, why were you just hanging out a sheet?" Calum asked. I looked at Ash for help.

"We were remaking Paiges bed." Ashton said. I nodded my head

"You've only slept in it like 3 nights. And where's the rest of the bedding?" Calum stated. Ash had nothing to say. Cara caught on. And dragged me out of the situation.

"Hey Paige I want to show you something." We went to my room.

"Aw sweetie you should have woken me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You were sleeping and Ashton was the only one awake, he took me to the store and yea." Cara gave me a hug. Someone burst through the door.

"Fuck Calum is nosy. Stop him someone." Ashton said. I giggled then realised he was serious.

"I'm so confused why is there a sheet on the clothesline, Paiges bed hasn't been changed just the sheet." Calum said confused.

"Just fucking drop it." I growled. He looked at me angrily. Well they do give you mood swings.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that." Calum said angrily.

"I just asked why there was a one lonely sheet on the clothe line, is it that hard to answer. Tell me why Paige." Calum growled, now annoyed.

Ashton was about to speak but I cut in.

"I GOT MY FUCKEN PERIOD YOU HAPPY, I bled through the sheets to Ashton helped me FUCK!" I yelled. I stormed out of the room and locked myself in the bathroom. I didn't realise that Michael was in here brushing his teeth. He saw me crying and stopped what he was doing to hug me. (I found it weird writing this chapter....haha even if I am a girl)

"Hey, hey Paige you alright?" I nodded my head. Even though Michael knew I wasn't.

"Well you're not, because you're crying." He giggled.

"Calum crossed the line, and he yelled at me. But he had reason to." I said.

"Well I know why because I heard you yelling, and he didn't have reason Paige, now let's lock ourselves in your room and watch movies." I nodded my head and we went into my room, after Michael got his laptop. Ashton was sitting there waiting for my return. He jumped up and hugged me spinning me at the same time.

"We're having a movie marathon, care to join?" Ashton nodded his head and we all squished on the bed. I was in the middle with Ashton on my right, closest to the door and Michael closest to the window.

"Okay we're watching the Simpsons movie first." I said, I was just in a mood for cartoons. Michael went on Netflix and put it in. We started watching.

After that movie we watched Lilo and stitch 1. Then we started on number two but I fell asleep.

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