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I woke up and looked at the wall that held the clock. These days I was waking up later. Maybe because I was going to bed lots later and I was getting used to sleeping in. I used to normally wake up around 7.30 but now I was waking up around 9am. Ashton was just about to walk out the door probably to go for a run. I went to my bag and grabbed running clothes. A blue sports crop with black running shorts that came above mid-thigh. I put my not so new runners on and fixed my hair into a ponytail. I took my old iPod nano that I think Calum forgot I had and grabbed my earphones. As a warm up I decided to take the stairs. I jogged down them and just as I got to the bottom I saw Ashton was turning left. I followed him for a bit then picked up my speed.
"Boo." I said nudging his shoulder.
"I waited for around half an hour to see if you were gonna wake up so we could go for a run but you didn't." He said.

Back from run

I got out of the shower feeling refreshed. I changed into shorts denim overalls and a white shirt that said bros before hoes in maroon writing. I put my black converse on and began to plait my hair as I walked out of the bathroom. Still all the guys were asleep. Ashton was sitting on the kitchen bench eating toast. He had a shower before me and was wearing a t-shirt that was white with maroon trimmings. In maroon it also had the numbers 18 and above that it said 'Jaw breaking'. And he was in skinny jeans and the usual boots. Today his hair was free, no fedora no bandanna. I stole the piece of toast he'd started eating.
"Why can I not eat toast without being interrupted?" He asked.
"Because I'm here."
"SHUT UP!" Luke yelled. I thought he was still sleeping.
"We weren't even yelling." Ashton said.
"And I'm hung over and grumpy and please can I have some Panadol."
"Bad excuse, get it yourself." I said to Luke.
"Well fuck you Paige." He said to me.
"Wait, your straight?"
"Go fuck yourself." He said to me.
"That requires a dick, which I don't have sorry."
"Shut the fuck up!" Michael yelled.
"You know what Paige, let's leave the hung over people to sort their own problems out." Ashton said. I nodded and we walked out the door.
"Let's go shopping, nothing else to." He said as we got into the cab he hailed.
"Where to?" The man asked us.
"Um a shopping centre?" Ashton said clearly not knowing his way around Munwich. Can't say I know any better though.
"Okay sir it will be a 2 minute drive." The man said.
"Let's go see a movie." Ashton suggested.
"Inside out is out. Well not out, but in. The title of the movie just makes it so much more confusing!" I said to him.
"I have no idea what that is but lets watch it ey." He said.

"I like that movie." Ashton said as we walked out of the cinema. I closed my eyes and grabbed Ashtons hand. It's always so dammed bright when coming out of a cinema. I figure if I hold Ashtons hand he won't lead me into a car...hopefully.
"You just need a pair of sunnies." Ashton said to me.
"No, I'm pretty content with your hand." I said almost tripping over the curb.
"Stepping up in the world, using bigger words. Content."
"I don't like you anymore Ashton." Just as I said that I tripped over something and fell on the ground. I opened my eyes.
"Karmas a bitch." Ashton said giving me a hand to get up.
"So are you." I said nudging him. Then running away from him. Ashton chased me up the curb, I turned around to see how far he was from me and then I crashed into a fence thing and fell over. My knees were bleeding, my elbows were to and my hands were killing me.
"Fuck shit ow." I said sitting on the ground. Ashton was pissing himself laughing. I gave him a dirty stare. He stopped laughing and helped me up.
"Um you're bleeding." Ashton said to me.
"Really I didn't know." I said brushing the dirt off my legs.
"Let's go back and get you cleaned up yeah?" I nodded my head and Ashton supported me as I was limping.
"Today is not my day." I laughed. Ashton shook his head agreeing. 

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