
6.4K 171 4

I sat on the edge of the couch putting on a playlist to run to. I put on earphone in and waited for Calum to come downstairs.

"Let's go girl." Calum said. I jumped up and we walked out the door. I stretched my leg a little and then started into a run. Calum was running just in front of me. I turned my volume up and found a pace I liked. When we got about a kilometre or 2 we turned around and headed home. (up and back 4.8km 3 miles) After half an hour we got back home. Calum layed on the grass out the front of the house and I laid next to him. Our chests were rising and falling heavily. I sat up and started stretching. Calum followed suit, we went inside and I skulled a glass of water. I went upstairs to take a shower because again I was sweaty. I got out and it was around 5.30. I just decided to change into pyjamas, saves changing again for the 5th time today. I put on my black cotton shorts that had red Zzz's all over it. For my top I just had a matching tank top singlet. Only it was red with black Zzz's over it. I put fuzzy fluffy socks on and my hair into a side braid. I ran downstairs where the boys were fighting over who should get to sit on the beanbag. 

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