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This chapter is dedicated to @smokingbody1 for voting on all my chapters , your rock!! <3

For the rest of the day we just played truth or dare, I had to lick michaels nose, style Ashtons hair, kiss Jack on the cheek and more weird stuff. The boys took the bus home at around 5.

I went to bed at some time near 10.

I woke up at 2 am feeling home sick. I think it's because this was my first birthday without everyone and especially without Ms McKinley. I sat up on my bed with my lamp trying not to loudly cry. I heard someone walk up the stairs, by the time I would have turned the lamp off they would have noticed I was awake. My door opened. I looked at who ever walked in. It was Calum. He walked over and sat on the other side of my bed.

"What's wrong?" he asked me. I took a deep breath.

"This is my first birthday without everyone at the centre and Ms Mckinley. I'm sorry Calum all I ever do is cry, I think I'm homesick, I'm just being a sook." I sobbed.

"Don't you ever think you're a sook. It takes lots of courage to admit you're homesick. You're my baby girl, and it hurts to see you crying." He said looking at me sadly.

'Now do you want me to stay in here with you or do you want to come into my room?" He asked.

"I'll be fine here on my own." I said. Calum shook his head. He got under the covers and turned my light off.

"Calum, the boys are going to think I'm a sook." I groaned.

"They're not going to think that, but they will know that you're my baby girl." I didn't reply.

Calum pulled me into his chest. My face was now burrowed into his bare chest. I fell asleep to his steady breathing and him tracing his hand on my back.

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