What an Interesting Car Ride

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"I'M BORED!" I screamed.

"Lets play a game then." Louis said evilly.

Oh no. This will not end up good. The boys and I exchanged looks, as Alex looked fine about it. Poor Alex.

"I'm first, Alex truth or dare?" Louis asked.

"Truth." Alex said.

"Are you a virgin?" Louis said.

"Yep. Dan truth or dare?" Alex said.

"Truth." Dan said warily.

"Kiss, Marry, Kill, Evander, Phil and I." Alex said.

"Uh kiss Evander, Kill Alex and Marry Phil." Dan said cheekily.

"Why would you kill me?" Alex asked.

"Can't do that." I said.

"OK Evander, truth or dare?" Dan said.

"Dare." I said.

"You must confess your love to Phil at the interview." Dan said evilly.

"Not allowed." Paul said.

"BOOO!" Phil and Dan yelled.

"Come up with another one." I said.

"Prank call, Chris." Dan said.

I sighed and grabbed my phone. I made sure it was blocked so he wouldn't call me back. I placed it on loudspeaker as I called him.

"Hello?" Chris said.

"Hello, I'm am calling to confirm your delivery of a hundred pound of cheese." I said in a terrible American accent.

"What?" Chris shrieked.

"Ok your delivery off a hundred pound of cheese will come shortly." I said.

"Wait... no I would like to decline." Chris rushed out.

"Thank you for buying from Cheese Castle, hope you enjoy your cheese." I said.

I hung up and the car filled with laughing. Well that was interesting. I turned to Louis and smiled cheekily at him.

"Lou, truth or dare." I said.

"Dare." Louis said.

"I dare you to kiss Harry on the mouth for a full thirty seconds." I said.

"No, he is my best friend." Louis protested.

"The chicken is worse." I said.

I'm so cheeky some times. I got my phone back out and got the timer up. Harry slowly moved across me to Louis so I pushed him. I don't want his fat butt in my face.

"Ok, Go." I said.

Alex sneakily got her phone out and took some photos. Ok we are so cheeky. The boys didn't look like they were enjoying it very much.

"Ok time." I shout.

The boys pulled away really quickly and Harry jumped over me. Everyone went silent so I started to hum.

"I got the photos." Alex said.

"Yea buddy." I said highfiving her.

"Phil, truth or dare?" Louis said wiping his mouth.

"Dare." Phil said.

"Kiss Evander." Louis said cheekily.

Phil came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. Louis looked at us shocked as he mouth opened and shut.

"I said to kiss her." Louis said.

"Didn't say where and how long." Phil said putting on his seatbelt.

"Damn." Louis mumbled.

"Niall, truth or dare?" Phil said.

"Truth." Niall said.

"Who do you like at the moment?" Phil asked.

"A girl from back home." Niall said shyly.

"I KNEW IT!" Zayn yelled.

"Aww Ni-ni is in love." Liam said ruffling Niall's hair.

"Zayn, truth or dare?" Niall said fixing his hair.

"Dare." Zayn said.

"Let Dan mess up your hair." Niall said.

"What no?" Zayn said.

"Bad luck mate." Dan said messing his hair up.

"You. Did. Not." Zayn said glaring at Dan.

"OH yes I did." Dan said.

"Liam, truth or dare?" Zayn said fixing his hair up.

"Truth." Liam said.

"Do you truly like Alex?" Zayn said.

"Of course I do." Liam lied.

Oh crap is about to go down. Liam lies by touching his nose. I am so going to punch the crap out of him. I held in my anger as we arrived at the studio. Well that was an interesting car ride.

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