Justin and Alex

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"Why do you have a pet horse?" Harry asked.

"It's a dog. I've had her since I was little." I said.

"Well I would have gotten rid of it." He snapped.

"Well you should get rid of yourself." I snapped back.

I walked away from Harry, a little angry. I walked up to my room and slammed the door shut. I found the iPhone and I looked up the contacts. Alex would most likely kill Harry. Justin would help Alex kill him. Hmm, haven't talk to Ed in a while. People think we are dating. He is like my Bestfriend. He answered on the third ring.

"EV. EV!" Ed screamed in to the phone.

"Hey Ed." I said.

"So your in lockdown. SUCK!" He said.

"THANKS EDWARD!" I screamed.

"Well I hear you are with my mates 1D." He said.

"Since when were you mates with them?" I asked.

"Maybe since I wrote a song for them." He said.

"AND NOT ME! WE'RE OVER!" I screamed.

"You're joking right." He said.

"Yer buddy." I said.

"Ok got to go babe love ya." He said.

"Bye. Bye." I said.

I put the phone down and looked for my iPad. Damn left it downstairs. I walked down the stairs and in to the living area. All the boys were surrounding it.

"OI!" I screamed.

"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" Louis asked.

I looked at the photo on the screen. It was of Dave. He died fighting for his live. I don't why he died but he was fighting. I snatched the iPad and ran up stairs. I locked the door and flung myself on my bed. I cried my eyes out. He was the bestest friend I could ever have.

"Evander?" A British voice went through my door.

"Just leave." I said my voice cracking at every word.

"Come on Evander open the door." Harry's voice said through the door.

"No." I said.

"We're truly sorry." Liam said.

"No." I said.

"Come on. We're having pizza for tea." Niall said. I heard someone slap him.

"I don't need to come down for pizza." I said.

"You'll starve." Niall said.

"No I wont." I said.


In a matter of seconds I was downstairs hugging Alex. She was laughing while hugging me.

"ALLIBEAR!" I screamed in her ear.

"EVVIBEAR!" She screamed back.

"Now where is my hug?" Justin voice said behind us.

"JELLIBEAR!" I screamed hugging him.

"How is my Evvibear?" Justin asked.

"Amazing now." I said still hugging him.

I was roughly pulled away from Justin to Alex. She fake-death glared at Justin. I was trying not to laugh because it would ruin this funny moment.

"Don't touch my man." Alex said.

"What about me?" Justin said faking every bit of jealousy.

"Fine. Alex can continue dating her pet rock." Alex said pushing me away.

"Don't talk about Ronald that way." I said in defense.

"I haven't seen Ronald around." Justin said.

"Oh we broke up. He wouldn't do any thing with me. He was acting like a rock." I said.

"Sorry to here about it." Alex said.

"Any way we heard about your lock down which is HILARIOUS!" Justin screamed laughing.

"Is not." I pouted.

"That's nice." Harry said sarcastically coming over to us.

I watched both Justin and Alex glare at Harry. I tried not to laugh but it was pretty funny. Yer I told them about my childhood with him.

"OH GOD!" Niall screamed.

"Zip it Niall." Liam said placing his hand over Niall's mouth.

"He likes you man." Zayn said to Justin.

"Who ever you are. Don't take my man." Alex said jokily. She bounced in to his arms. The others were laughing but I knew this is serious so I didn't.

"Justin you promised to share." I said.

"Did I? I forgot sorry." Justin said.

"Meanie." I pouted and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oi. Oi. There is enough of me to go around." Alex said.

3. 2. 1. Alex, Justin and I bursted in to laughter. We did this all the time. Simon got annoyed from us doing it that we weren't allowed to do it around him. We got detention for doing that. Yep you heard right Simon Cowell gave us detention, cleaning toilets, cleaning his office and loads more stuff.

"If Simon was here we would have to go through that again." Justin said.

"That was disgusting." I said.

"You didn't have to clean the boys bathroom." Alex protested.

"No I cleaned Simon's." I said shaking.

"You ladies have a very nice bathroom by the way." Justin said.

"Yes because we like things clean." Alex said.

"Then I'm not a lady." I said.

"Ok then. Sorry babe we have to leave." Justin said.

"Already." I said.

"Yep sorry." Alex said.

"Bye then." I said.

Alex gave me a hug and whispered 'you'll be okay' in my ear. Justin kissed my cheek for a couple seconds; weird person he is then hugged me. I waved to them good-bye.

"Are you having a shower?" Niall asked.

"Maybe why?" I asked.

"Justin Bieber kissed you on the cheek for 8 seconds and you dare wash it off." He said.

"It not like he hasn't kissed my cheek before." I said.

"Wait, wait you know him. How?" Liam asked.

"He's dating my bestfriend so I should know him." I said in a duh voice.

"I thought you were dating her." Harry said.

"Nope. Sir Justin stole my princess away." I said.

I ran upstairs before anyone could say anything. I slammed my door shut and locked it. I jumped on to my bed and grabbed my laptop. I heard the front door opened and people come in. I started taking random photos of myself on photo booth. Someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"We have guests so get your arse down stairs." Louis said.

"That's why I'm in here." I said.

"Please." He begged.

"For five minutes." I said.

I walked down stairs with Louis next to me. Who was here? I heard voices from the living room so I walked in there. Josh, Sandy, Jon and Dan were standing there. 

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