Truth or Dare or Cheat?

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Harry gave me a small peck on the lips before cuddling in to me. I cuddled in to his chest and felt his cold feet against me. I groaned at the coldness so Harry kissed me. I kissed him back but got too tired. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest. I yawned and drifted off to sleep.

Harry woke me up so I dragged myself to my bags. Harry took the bags out of my hands so I jumped on his back. Harry carried me down to the bus as we are moving to another city. I fell on the couch and pulled a blanket over me.

"Come on. Lets get you in to the bunks." Harry said picking me up.

"I'm tired." I whined.

"You can go back to sleep." He said.

Harry put me in my bunk before climbing in next to me. I cuddled in to his chest while he played with my hair. I looked up to him to see him looking down at me.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"You are so beautiful." Harry said.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Yep. You needed to know it." He said.

"Thank you." I said pecking his lips.

"You're welcome." He said.

I yawned and rest my head back on his chest. I laid there in his arms while listening to his heartbeat. I must have fallen asleep because Harry woke me up later.

"We're going to play truth or dare. Come on." Harry said.

Harry hopped out so I followed him out. I went to the couch and sat down straight away. Harry came and sat next to me. Harry pulled me closer to him so I put my head on his shoulder.

"Me first, Lili truth or dare?" Louis said.

"Truth." Liam said.

"Since Alex isn't here, tell us one thing that you wouldn't want her to know." He said.

"About my one kidney." He said shyly.

"Oh she already knows about that." I said.

"H-How?" He asked.

"Everyone knows it." I said.

"Niall, truth or dare?" Liam said.

"Dare." Niall cheered.

"Drink something uh Evvy makes you." He said.

"Oh no." He said.

"Don't come in until I'm finished." I said.

I went to the kitchen area and grabbed the weirdest things I could fine. I put a lot of pink food die in and blended it. It looks like strawberry smoothie so I poured in it to a glass and put a strawberry on the rim of the glass. I walked out and handed it to Niall.

"It looks fine. Smells fine." Niall said.

"Oh it's just strawberry, milk, yogurt and ice cream." I lied winking at Liam.

"No fair." Liam whined.

"Drink it." I said.

Niall drank some of it before he started to cough. Everyone started to laugh at his face so he ran off to wash out his mouth.

"Strawberry my arse." Niall said.

"Oh I meant strawberries, milk, yogurt, ice cream, peppers, some mustard powder, pop tarts, ketchup and one chocolate chip." I said.

"Evvy, truth or dare?" Niall asked.

"Truth after that dare." I said.

"Are you serious about you and Harry?" He asked.

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