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"Why do you have to be such a b*tch?" She snapped.

My mouth dropped. How dare she? I've been called that so many times and now she is topping it off.

"Why do you have to be such a mean person?" I snapped back.

"We'll be right back with One Direction and Evvy." Caitlyn said.

I stood up and walked out of the room. If I didn't, I would have punched her. I grabbed my clothes and walked outside. Everyone seemed to disappear so I put my clothes in the van and grabbed a wallet. I'll pay them back. I left the van and walked down the street. I got to a cute coffee shop so I entered that. I went in line and waited. I got to the front and order a hot chocolate and a muffin. I paid and said my name as Lord Voldemort for safety.

"Lord V- who shall not be named." The guy said.

"Epic." I said high fiving him.

"Here is your muffin and hot chocolate." The guy said.

"Thank you." I said.

I went and sat down in the back. I sipped my hot chocolate and got my muffin out. I took bits of bits eating them slowly. I put my rubbish away and left the store. I found a credit card. Boo hoo. Oh it's mine. That's weird. I walked in to a mall and went straight to Hollister. I bought a couple tops and shorts. I paid for the items after doing a signature.

"I thought you were on that interview today." The girl said.

"I was but I left because of the interviewer. So how was your day?" I asked.

"Amazing now because I met you. Uh could you follow me on Twitter?" She asked.

"Sure let me get my phone." I said.

I pulled my phone out and got Twitter up. The girl, Brittany helped me get her twitter up. I got my bag and waved Brittany goodbye. I got outside to meet some more fans, which I happily signed things for them. I gave them hugs and followed them on twitter.

"You're nicer then other celebrities." A 14-year-old girl said.

"How?" I asked curiously.

"They never talk to their fans but you happily sign things for us." She said.

"Well I'm not a busy as them." I said, "Be nicer and friendlier to them and not swarm them."

"Thanks for the advice." Another girl said.

"I need to keep going. I'll look out for your tweets." I said.

"Bye." They all chorused.

I continued to shop and meet fans. I got about ten bags then decided to go back. I got my phone out and worked where I am supposed to go. I walked down the road and found my way back to the tour buses. I signed all the things for the girls waited to see us.

"How are you?" I asked the girls smiling.

'Amazing.' 'Over the moon.' 'Happy.'

"What do you want to be when you are older?" I asked.

"To be like you." A girl said.

"If you believe you can." I said high fiving her.

"I want to be happy when I'm older." A boy said.

"You can be happy whenever you want to be, it's up to what you want to feel." I said kissing his cheek.

"I'm never washing this cheek again." He said dreamily.

I laughed and said goodbye to every one. I got in to the bus station and went to the tour bus. I opened the door and waved to some people on the roof of the building across the road. I entered the bus to see everyone angry.

"Woah. Should I leave again?" I asked.

"Where have you been?" Steve asked.

"Shopping." I said happily.

"And didn't bother to tell any one." Paul said.

"Actually. I met about fifty girls and boys so they knew." I said sassy.

'Now on brighter news. Evvy Diamends was found shopping today instead of doing her interview where she walked out when the interviewer swore at the teen popstar. She happily signed for her fans.

'Evvy was so nice. She had a normal conversation with us.' One teenager said.

'She gave us some advice.' A boy said.

Everyone loves Evvy but there are ones who hate her. I believe she is a kind gentle soul. We would love to see new good news on Evvy and One Direction during there European Tour.' The news lady said.

"Well that was good." I said putting my bags down, "Wow. Look at the time. Got to take a nap."

"No we are all going to rehearsals." Steve said.

"Fine." I said yawning.

I got up and followed everyone out to the car. They all got in but I waved at the fans before I got pushed in.

"Do you think that if I didn't have them, I wouldn't have a job?" I asked no one.

"Evvy calm down and be quiet." Steve said.

"Ugh. Why can't I have Simon as my manager?" I asked.

"Because he is a busy man." He said.

"So. Not busy enough for me to visit him when ever." I said.

"Be quiet Evander." He snapped.

"Ugh! I want a new manager." I said.

"I want a new client but I'm not allowed to ditch you." He snapped.

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