Back in Faraway..

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SUNNY stared out the window as his mom drove..

She promised he could go back to Faraway and see his friends during summer break... School was finally over, now he gets to see his friends..

He didn't feel excited.. He didn't really feel anything. He felt empty.

"Okay SUNNY.. If your going to be staying at KEL's for the summer, I need to set down some rules."

SUNNY rolled his eyes, why does he need rules? He wasn't a 3 year old.
(Yes I'm aware about his eye..It's still functional, he just can't see out of it.)

"First of all.. I want you nowhere near.. Um... What's his name.."

Oh.. SUNNY knew exactly who she was talking about..

"I want you nowhere near BASIL.. We know how dangerous he can be.."

Dangerous? BASIL? No but yes. But to be fair, everyone can be dangerous when they're mad or upset.

"Stay far away from him, i don't trust him.."

SUNNY wanted to tell her, he can't just ignore and stay away from his best friend... But... He didn't.

"Stay with KEL, he's a nice boy... I thought BASIL was too.. Y'know SUNNY.. I never expected a kind boy like BASIL to do a horrible thing.."

Ugh.. Can she shut up already?

SUNNY watched as they pulled up in font of KEL's house... He saw his old house was sold now.. Hm..

SUNNY got out of the car, ready to do the first thing his mom told him not to.

"Bye baby, mommy loves you!"

SUNNY noticed KEL was peaking out of a window, KEL's smile grew, then he ran off..

The door burst open "SUNNY!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!"

SUNNY frowned.. KEL was a cool guy.. But was too energetic for him..

"Ahhhh!!!! You know how long I've been waiting??!!" KEL was practically jumping up and down.

He entered the house, and looked out the window, waiting for his mom to leave, SUNNY disliked her rule, so he was going to break it.

"So SUNNY, what do you want to do?" KEL asked also looking out the window, trying to figure out what SUNNY was looking at. SUNNY saw his mom finally pull off, good.

SUNNY opened the front door and pointed out. "Oh! You want to go somewhere? Lead the way!"

SUNNY started walking, KEL following behind.

"Soo.. Where are we going?"
KEL looked like he was thinking.
"Wait! Your mom called earlier and told us not to let you go to BASIL's.."

SUNNY would like to punch his mom in the face.. Ugh, never mind, he just shrugged at KEL.

"But if that's what you want to do, okay!"

They walked a bit before reaching BASIL's house.. It hadn't changed a bit..

SUNNY knocked on the door, nothing, so KEL knocked, way more aggressively.

KEL was about to knock again but SUNNY put his hand up, telling him to wait.

SUNNY heard light footsteps, he knew exactly who it was.

The door creaked open to reveal a pair of baby blue eyes.

"Hello?-" BASIL stopped as soon as he saw SUNNY. BASIL tried to close the door but KEL put his foot between the door.

"Come on BASIL! SUNNY really wants to see you! He immediately wanted to come here!"

"Uhm... POLLY's not here... I'm not allowed to let you in..."

"Listen, SUNNY and I are breaking rules, you can too!"

"Uh.. What rules?"

"SUNNY's mom doesn't want him near you.. And after my parents found out what happened.. I'm not supposed to be near you either."

"Oh.." BASIL glanced at the floor, than back up at SUNNY and KEL.

"Maybe they're right.. Maybe you should stay away from me.." BASIL tried to close the door again.

KEL frowned.. SUNNY doesn't really see KEL stop smiling..

SUNNY didn't really know what he expected.. He hadn't talked to any of them for 17 months..

"BASIL... Please?" KEL elbowed SUNNY softly and whispered "That's YOUR best friend... Go talk to him."

SUNNY slowly walked closer to the door, KEL still had his foot holding the door so it would be really difficult to close it.

"Um... SUNNY.. Can you tell KEL to let me close the door?"

"BASIL it's been 17 months! Don't you want to talk to SUNNY?" KEL asked.

Saying that, BASIL slowly opened the door.

"Thanks BAS!"

"Uh... 'BAS'?"

KEL awkwardly shrugged, "I don't know... I like to give people nicknames.."

After they walked in BASIL immediately closed and locked the door.

"Hmm... Haven't been in here for a year and... 5 months!" (17 months)

KEL had a big smile on his face "Wow! This place hasn't changed a bit!"

"Uhm.. Yeah.." BASIL seemed uncomfortable..

While KEL was going on and on about.. Whatever, SUNNY approached BASIL.

"Oh! Um... Hi SUNNY.." BASIL didn't make eye contact.

SUNNY noticed a pair of gardening shears on a table.. They weren't the same.. They seemed new..

If he looked at the shears for too long... He'd.. He'd feel uneasy.

BASIL noticed what SUNNY was staring at and put the shears in a drawer.

"Uhm... I got rid of the old ones... I.. I feel as if that's what any normal person does.."

Yeah, I mean, who keeps a weapon they used to stab thier best friend's eye?

Hopefully nobody.

"I.. Um.. I'm sorry SUNNY... Please don't hate me.." BASIL looked as if he was about to cry.

Welp, this is what happens when you abandon your best friend that is in no way mentally stable.

KEL looked over to ask if they thought his story was cool but then noticed how BASIL looked upset.

"Oh! Oh no! What happened?"

"I.. Um.. I-i just think y-you guys should g-go.. J-just a-aba-abandon me... Y-you guys seem p-pretty good at t-that.."

"What? No! Of course not BASIL! We're not going to leave you all alone ever again! I promise. "

"B-but it happened a f-first time.."

KEL tapped SUNNY's shoulder "I don't think he wants help.."

SUNNY just thought... Hm... No.. He wasn't going to make the same mistake a third time! Abandoning his friends for 17 months counts as a second.

SUNNY walked up to BASIL, and hugged him. The one thing they both needed.. A hug..

"Wow! A group hug!?" KEL asked before joining the hug.

That's just KEL being KEL.

SUNNY wasn't one for hugs, but he'd let this slide.

A/N: a short chapter for you guys, gals and non-binary pals 🤩
Just give me time, I need to write the next chapter 🥺

Words: 1084

Catch ya on the flip side my children ❤

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