Silent car ride

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The car ride was silent.. SUNNY sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window.

POLLY spoke up "Well.. I've been worried for BASIL a lot since his grandma passed.. And even more worried after you moved, he seemed a lot sadder.. But since you came back today... He's been smiling a lot so far.."

It made SUNNY blush a bit knowing he had made BASIL's smile come back, and he couldn't help but smile himself, he quickly went back to his neutral face though.

POLLY smiled as she continued "It makes me happy knowing he still has someone.. And, I acknowledge KEL too, but you and BASIL have a different bond.."

Different? What makes our friendship so different?

"I hope you don't take that the wrong way... Honestly, I'm proud you came back for him.. I know certain people who didn't.."

POLLY mumbled that last part, but SUNNY heard some of it.

Certain people who didn't? Who?

"For the first few months after you moved away, all he could do was talk about you, any conversation he had with me was about you.. All positive things, but.."

SUNNY had a bad feeling he wasn't going to like where this was going.

"And after 4-5 months of that, he stopped talking completely.. I mean, a few words here and there, but mostly nothing.." She sighed "and soon enough, he stayed in his room.."

Was this all because of SUNNY? Had he caused BASIL such trouble? If something was done differently 5 years ago, would BASIL still be that happy and cheery person SUNNY once knew?

That positive person whose smile always brightened SUNNY's day, that person SUNNY had tried to create inside his head, hoping he could pretend BASIL was still like that.

That person who wasn't always so anxious and paranoid, that person that didn't jump at just the slightest of sound, that person who didn't have a body covered in bruises and cuts (that SUNNY caused that night of the fight)

Would BASIL still be that person SUNNY loved and cherished? No, who is he kidding? BASIL still is the person he loved and cherished, he changed of course, but inside, he'll always be SUNNY's best friend.

And maybe SUNNY could help BASIL become that bright, happy, cheery person SUNNY knew, and even if not, SUNNY still loved him the same. And either way, BASIL's smile still made SUNNY's day.

SUNNY's thoughts were cut short when POLLY pulled up to KEL's house, "Okay, were here. Have a good night!"

"Mhm" SUNNY hummed getting out of the car, and shutting the door.

POLLY waited till SUNNY got inside to drive off.

KEL's mom was washing the dishes, SUNNY knew there was no way he could sneak up the stairs without her noticing him, he knew it just couldn't be possible.

"You're surely home late SUNNY." KEL's mom said without even turning around, see? He couldn't even take a step without her knowing, well, him opening the door was loud, so of course she knew.

"I usually lock the doors by now, but I didn't want you to be locked out, I bet you're tired, why don't you go upstairs and sleep?"

SUNNY did feel tired, so he took this as a chance to leave.

He quickly walked upstairs, watching his step, he would hate to end up like his sister.. SUNNY couldn't even laugh at his dark joke, but instead wanted to cry.

He quietly opened the door to KEL and HERO's bedroom, HERO wasn't in the room at the moment, must've been using the bathroom or something.

KEL was snoring, really loudly, which was a very unpleasant sound.

But SUNNY ignored it, he was too tired to complain.

SUNNY sat down on his sleeping bag, this was definitely going to give him back problems or somethin.

Even sitting on the sleeping bag was difficult, it didn't make the floor any softer.

But he wouldn't be sleeping the whole day if he could barely sleep, so hey, is that a bright side?

He laid down, his back was already starting to hurt.

And yet, he fell asleep, BASIL lingering on his mind.

A/N: Ahaha, short chapter :(
Also, last sentence, SUNNY very gay.

Words: 694

Catch ya on the flip side my children❤

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