Broken promises

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BASIL and SUNNY awkwardly sat on BASIL's bed.

SUNNY kept catching BASIL looking, looking at his eyepatch.

BASIL had an expression on his face that SUNNY couldn't seem to read, an expression SUNNY wishes he could understand.

But he's not sure.

"I... I-i'm sorry SUNNY..."

BASIL's voice trembled, his hands shook, his breathing was unsteady, his lip quivered.

"I'm so s-sorry about y-your e-eye..."

BASIL keeps staring at it, as if it'll come back if he looks at it long enough.

"Ho-how is i-it? Th-the eye I mean.."

"Blind.." SUNNY responds back, in more of a whisper.

BASIL seems a bit surprised to hear SUNNY's voice, but ignores it.

"Do you want to see it?" SUNNY surprisingly (and rarely) said.

BASIL froze at that, he looked confused, like a deer in headlights, having no idea what to say or do.

"I.. I can?"

SUNNY nodded in response.

SUNNY gently takes BASIL's shaking and unsteady hand and leads it to his face, and eventually to his eyepatch.

BASIL's breathing speeds up, as he's probably freaking out.

The flower boy slowly takes off SUNNY's eyepatch. As the eyepatch falls to the floor, BASIL softly brushes his hand against the scar, trying not to be too rough with SUNNY's eye.

BASIL's hand is warm, gentle, small and soft. It gives SUNNY a relaxing feeling.

"Do-does it hurt w-when I..."


BASIL puts on a warm and gentle smile, but no matter how happy he looks, SUNNY could tell he was still sad.

BASIL pressed on the scar a little harder, but not hard enough to cause SUNNY pain.

His smile disappears.

"Uhm... What about now?"

SUNNY didn't respond that time, he was too busy staring into BASIL's eyes, has his eyes always been this pretty?

"Oh.. I'll take that as a no..."

BASIL has that expression again, the same expression SUNNY just couldn't understand.

Maybe it was regret? Sorrow? Worry?

He just wanted to know what was going on inside BASIL's head.

That was until BASIL leaned over and kissed the scar above SUNNY's right eye, exactly where the gardening shears had cut.

SUNNY's mind went blank, was this what BASIL felt when SUNNY had kissed him unexpectedly?

He couldn't think straight, in fact, he couldn't think at all.

His face warmed up, why was he reacting like this? They did this all the time as kids.

Like that time MARI got sick and couldn't be there for SUNNY and he ended up cutting his forehead on a broken metal fence.

BASIL was there with him- as they were trying to adventure- and cleaned the wound for him, and before putting the bandaid on, he kissed his forehead, right above the cut. (he said It would not have been sanitary if he actually kissed the cut)

So why did he feel like this now?
Was it because they were just kids back then? Was it because at the time, weird things like that didn't mean anything and were considered normal?

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