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Marcus slowly slipped out of the bed careful not to wake a sleeping Aris. The two had been going none stop since the night of his release two days ago.

Walking into the bathroom Marcus handled his business, flushing the toilet and  washing his hands heading  into the kitchen.

Opening the fridge he grabbed a pack of bacon and the carton of eggs, starting on breakfast. Since his release Aris had been doing things left and right for him. Now it was time for him to do more for himself.

It had been years since he last cooked for himself. Cracking eggs into a bowl he began getting stared on scrambled eggs, turning on the stove for the bacon as well.

Aris had gotten him a phone along with other thing's before his release, grabbing his iphone he dialed the only number he could remember by heart.

Listening to the ring back he poured the eggs into the pan and placed the bacon onto the hot skillet, walking around the bar table taking a seat.

"Hello?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Wasup ma." He said, as a smiled began to creep up on his lips.

"Marcus?." Danielle greeted with a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm good mama, real good im out, just got out a couple days ago. Im bout to start lookin for a job and stuff.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped, "im so glad to hear you're out." She said excitedly. "So this means you coming to see me today?"

"Yeah ma, ima come by and see you."

"Okay son, I can't wait to see you ima cook your favorite."

"Don't even tell me, I wanna be surprised." He chuckled.

"Okay." Danielle giggled. "Im so happy your home. Where are you staying?"

"Remember Aris that I told you about? Im staying with her."

"Aw okay, yeah how could I forget her, you talk about her so much I feel as if I know her." Danielle laughed. "But I gotta go, I'll see you later alright."

"Aight, bet." He smiled brightly. "I'll see you later on."

"Okay baby, I love you son I can't wait to see you."

"Love you too mama." He spoke hanging up the call.

Grabbing the remote from the kitchen counter, he turned on the tv which was already on the ESPN channel. Intrigued by what the sports casters talked about he drowned everything else around him out.

Hearing the fire alarm going off and the sound of something sizzling he turned around seeing smoke coming from the stove.

"Oh Shit!" Marcus whispered under his breath running into the kitchen.

"Damn." He coughed at the strong aroma of burnt bacon. Swatting his large hands around turning on the blower over the stove.

"Oh my goodness." Aris gasped walking into the kitchen area. "What is going on?"

She walked toward the balcony area opening the door fanning a bill envelope over the fire alarm as it eventually went off.

Marcus stood there not knowing what to say as he stood next to the stove with his arms folded over each other. "Um, I think we may have to go out for breakfast."

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