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Aris walked into her job with her head held high. Dressed in a powder pink and white checkered blazer. Her acrylic nails wrapped tightly around the handles of her all white Valentino hand bag, as her matching white heels clicked against the tile floor with each step she took.

All eyes were on her as she walked into the room. She smirked at the attention that she was getting. She decided to fix herself up a bit, after the night, and early morning with Marcus it put a little more UMPTH in her day.

"Okay blazer." Jazmine, a coworker complimented Aris as they passed one another.

"Thank you boo." Aris winked with a smile.

Since the day Marcus had gotten out of jail the two had been having sex none stop. There were a few times that Aris would leave work for her lunch break, just to be go home and be with him. He was the best she ever had. He knew just how to touch every part of her body inside and out. And last night he did just that.

"Good morning beautiful." Renee a newer employee, who had quickly became  a friend to Aris greeted walking into her office.

"Good morning Renee how are you?" Aris smiled starting her computer.

"I'm good a little tired but you know how that is, I hope I can stay awake." Renee chuckled.

"Yeah, I definitely know what you mean. I'm exhausted. But if you need there's coffee in the break room."

"Yeah, I was heading that way. But before I went in I had to compliment you. Girllll, that outfit is fire, and you're glowing girl you look so cute today!" Renee smiled.

Looking down at her outfit Aris smiled. "Thank you Renee, I appreciate that. You look cute too. Did you cut your hair?"

Renee nodded. "Yeah I did. Nobody really seemed to noticed." She shrugged.

"I noticed, and it's cute it really fits your face."

"You really think so?" She asked running her hands through her hair.

"Yeah, it's definitely you girl." Aris smiled.

"Thank you, wanted to try something a little different." She shrugged.

"Different can be good."

"Yeah, it can."

"Excuse me ladies, Aris." Tobias spoke, standing in the doorway next to Renee.

"Yes?" she spoke, looking at Tobias.

"My fa- Mr. Robinson wants to speak with you." Tobias informed.

"With me, about what?"

"I'm not sure." He shrugged, sliding his hands into both pockets watching Aris as she stood to her feet.

"Well uh, I'll talk to you later." Renee whispered. "Good luck." She said, walking
down the hall.

Aris looked into Tobias eyes as he looked into hers. There wasn't an expression that she could read or at least give her a hint as to what she was about to partake in.

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