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The tapping  on the keyboard filled the silence of Aris's office as she typed out things for her boss. A knock at the door brought Aris from her thoughts.

"Aris." A voice called out.


Her mood changed seeing Tobias standing there. Rolling her eyes she sat up straight crossing her legs at the ankles folding her hands together. "Yes Tobias?" She dryly spoke.

"May I come in?" He asked, standing in her doorway.

Closing her lap top, she turned her computer chair toward him. "You may." She motioned her hand in for him to enter.

Taking the invitation Tobias took a few steps closer, standing in front of her clear glass desk. "Can I help you with something?" She asked.

He remained silent before rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand, sliding his left hand into his pocket. "Yeah I uh, I wanted to apologize for what I said a few weeks ago. About me helping you keep this job, that was out of line and I'm truly sorry." He sincerely spoke.

"I hope you can forgive me, I didn't mean to step out of line."

Raising an eyebrow she remained silent trying to see if she could read him, from the looks of things he seemed sincere. "I accept your apology."

A smiled crept upon his lips as he nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Silence fell again as he stood there debating on if he should say more, or leave things where it was.

"Is there something else?"

"Oh, no sorry." He nervously chuckled, turning to walk out of the office.

Aris eye brows scrunched at the awkwardness in the room as she watched him walk away. The sound of her phone ringing on the desk next to her took her attention.

A smile appeared seeing her godsisters name going across the screen as she answered the call.


"Hey girl, what you doing?"


"Ew, I remember those days and I don't miss it." Chanel chuckled.

"Well I'm sorry everyone can't be a stay at home fiancée like you."

"It is lovely." Chanel giggled. "But how's work going?"

"The same as every day. Busy, hectic, and chaotic but I'm making it."

"Sounds like it, I can hear it in your voice."

"Yeah, and to top it off Tobias just came in here apologizing for what he said to me."

"Ooou, What he say to you?"

"He had basically bragged for saving my job, you know his father is the boss here. A few weeks ago I was just all over. With me working, and Marcus getting out a few days later I was kinda all over I forgot my bosses coffee that I'm suppose to get every more. And I was almost fired because I was late like three times in a month."

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