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Aris stared out of the window, watching the rain fall as lightening lit up the sky.
Her phone sat in her hands waiting for a call or text from Marcus.

Her whole day had been spent wondering if Marcus would come back home or if he would leave her forever. Every relationship that she was in, things never worked out for one reason or another and it sort of made her feel as if maybe relationships just wasn't for her.

She hadn't spoken to Marcus since the night of their argument. When she had gotten ready for work earlier the next morning to her surprise Marcus was no where to be found. She had called and texted him multiple times, her mind thought of every possible reason as to why he wouldn't answer her.

Hearing her phone ring she quickly glanced down at her phone, hoping that it was Marcus. Sliding her finger across the screen she answered her mothers call.

"Hello mother." She dryly spoke, sitting on the stool chair of the bar table sipping on a glass of wine.

"Hello darling, I haven't spoken to you in a few days, I thought I'd give you a call to check on you. How are you doing dear?"

"I'm good, never better. How are you?"

"I'm great." Helena responded. With a pause in her voice which Aris knew something else was about to be said.
"How's Marcus?"

"Ma." Aris spoke in a warning tone.

"I'm just asking about him that's all."

"You don't even like him."

"Doesn't mean I can't ask about him."

Aris sighed, pitching the bridge of her nose as she took in another mouth full of wine. "He's fine, he's in the shower." She lied.

"Hm..You know, it's not too much to call your parents sometime Aris."

"Yeah, I know I've just been-"

"Busy." Helena finished her statement.
"Don't be too busy for your parents."

"Alright ma, I'll come and visit you all again soon."

"Great, well I have to go I'll speak with you soon. I love you."

"Love you too mom." Aris said before the two hung up.

Pouring herself another glass of wine she scrolled through her contacts debating on whither or not to call again. Her thumb hung over the phone icon before tapping the screen.

Bringing the brim of the wine glass to her lips, she listened to the ring back before the voice answered.


"Hi Miss Danielle it's me, Aris."

"Yes, I know who this is. You've called twice already and I do have your number saved into my phone and it tells me it's you whose calling me."

"Oh, right." Aris laughed. "Um, have you heard from Marcus yet?"

"Not in the last hour since I spoke to you.
Aris, he is a grown man he is not going to be up under his mama. Why don't you call him?"

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