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On our way to the store I texted Alex about my awful day.


Your parents are real bitches, no offense

None taken

I still can't believe mom's pregnant. I can't believe I'm pregnant


Well I'm not sure yet

Now I'm on my way to go buy a test.

Well if you are really pregnant just know I'll be by your side whenever you need me

I promise to be the best gay godfather in the history of gay God fathers.

I love you

I love you more

When are you coming home? I miss you so freaking much

Next week.


I can't wait to see you

Me either.

We just arrived at the store I gotta go.

Talk to you later


Chris parked the car and I unbuckled Dylan from his booster seat.

We entered the store and I went to the women's section.

I took three at home pregnancy tests and pads for Del because we both hate tampons

We paid and left.

"If you are pregnant are you going to keep it or not." Chris asked starting the car. "Yeah, I do know how to take care of a baby, I do have the money to get an apartment but I'm also going to get a part time job so I can pay the rent and take care of the baby." I explained.

"What about college?" Del asked. "You are graduating in August." She reminded me

"I'm not going. I'm just going to get a job and maybe next year go University. I'm going to get a babysitter for the baby for when I'm at school." I told them.

"Looks like you've got everything in plan." Chris said. "Only one thing," He started. "When are you going to tell Dean and Sean."

"Today." I said. "What if they get mad?" I asked. "They don't have a right to be mad. Dean is the one who couldn't keep it in his pants. And Sean is just your friend, right?" She asked and I paused for a sec.
"...right." I said hesitant.

"You sure?" Chris asked. "Yes I'm sure why wouldn't I be sure?" I asked annoyed by the two.

"Let's just go home." Del said.

We got home and I was in my bathroom waiting for the timer to go off while face timing Alex.

-"what are you going to do if Dean wants to be in the baby's life and wants to get back with you while Sean wants to date you?"- Alex asked over the phone.

"Easy I get with Sean and let Dean in the baby's life but not date him." I told him.

-"so you would date Sean." He smirked.
"I- uh-uh- I don't know." I stuttered.
-"You like him."-
"Please shut up because I'm already stressing about being prego I don't need to stress over a silly crush."
-"I don't think it's a silly crush if you guys liked each other for years."-
"I hate you."
-"You wish you could"-
"I wish I could kill you."
-"that's how I felt when you wouldn't do my maths homework."-
-"if it's a positive are you going to tell your parents?"-
"Do I have to?"
-"well it's your decision."-
"Can I tell you something."
"I think I have a crush on Sean."
-"you think."-
"No I do. I do have a crush on him. Well actually still have a crush on him."
-"took you long enough."-
"Hey!-" I got cut off by the timer and I jumped.

-"check it."-

I picked up the test with my eyes closed. Okay three two one.

I opened my eyes and I saw a two lines.

I'm pregnant! This would be a good time to murder myself.

-"so... what does it say, you pregnant or nah?"-
"Alex I'm pregnant." I said and sobbed.

-"Oh My Gooosshh! We need to think of names pronto. What do you think about zach, Tommy, Fin-"
"That's the name of my grandmother's cat." I said and chuckled slightly.

-"ok what about Oakley, Gabriel and for a girl Diana, Paris, Ophelia, Jenny, Danielle."

"I think it's too early to think of names." I said. "You're right."
" I have to go tell Dean about the pregnancy."

-"Okay tell me how it goes"-
"Will do." I said before dropping the call


I hate myself and Dean.

I wiped my tears; grabbed the test and put it in my pocket before running out off the house.

I chose to walk because Dean and Sean leave three blocks away from me.

As I continued walking it started raining. "Uh fuck." I cursed lifting my hood over my head and walked faster.

I finally reached their place and knocked on the door.

If I was still dating Dean I would have just walked in but since it's over I have to knock.

The door opened and I saw Lynnette standing with Stelle.
"Hey Devon." She said smiling. "Hey Lynn and Stelle." I said smiling at them and she let me in.

"Sean is in his room and Dean is in his." She told me and I nodded my head before going upstairs to Dean's room.

Dean and Lynnette's parents died four years ago and now they live alone. Sean ran away from his parents three years ago. When he met Dean they immediately became best friends and Dean told him he could stay with them.

I knocked on the door and heard Dean yell. "Not now Lynn!"
"It's not Lynn." I said and the door quickly opened. "Devie?" He asked. "Hey." I said awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I came to talk to you about something."

"Dean, who's that?" I heard a girl ask. "Oh you have company. I'll just leave." I said turning around but he grabbed my wrist. "Don't go, Abby was just about to leave." He said.

"What? a just arrived." Abby said. "Just leave I'll see you tomorrow." He said to the girl.

She huffed before taking her bag and gave me a death glare before leaving the room.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked smiling. "I-uhh-i what I'm going to tell you is going to change your whole life; you'll either be happy or pissed but I'm guessing you're going to be pissed." I said.

"Look if this is about you and Sean, I don't mind. I don't deserve you and I think Sean will treat you better. I'm also Sorry for calling you a slut." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks but this isn't about Sean." I said nervously fiddling with my hands. "Then what's up?" He asked confused.

"I-it's not important." I said. I'm such a coward. "Dev what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant..." I finally said well whispered but I'm sure he heard it because of the look on his face.

"And you're the father."
I add.

After a few minutes he said something unbelievable

"Get rid of it."

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