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I got to work, and Mr Miller said it was okay for Dylan to stay as long as he didn't cause a distraction. I made the appointment on my way here. Mr Miller said I could leave early to go to Wyatt's game.

At work, I saw Zoë, Chloé and Daphne walk in together. Zoé and Chloé are twins, and we have been friends since middle school. I just met Daphne this year, and we aren't as close as I am with the twins

"Dev, what are you doing here?" Zoé asked. "Working." I said in an obvious tone. "Yeah, but aren't you rich?" Daphne asked. "Yes Daphne I am. I'll explain when my shift is over." I said going to serve table 6 their drinks.

"Devon we need you here!" Troy yelled and I ran to the kitchen. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Someone ordered a dozen strawberry cheese cakes, twenty cupcakes, a Nutella chocolate cake, ten doughnuts and sixteen vanilla flavored cream puffs for a party." He said panicking.
"Okay so go make them with Grayson." I said before walking out. "But we need you too!" He yelled.
"But that'll take hours and I need to my little brother's soccer game and if I still have time I'll go to my boyfriends football game."

"But we can't do this on our own." Troy said. "Fine but you're on your own when I need to go to my brother's game." I said. Taking a hair net.


After what seemed like an eternity I had to leave.
I went home and got dressed

I went to Wyatt's game just in time to tell him I won't stay long because I also wanna make it Sean's game.

After a while Dylan got fussy and I can't call Del since we're not home plus I don't want to disturb them.

I smelled Dylan to see if he pooped and he did. I groaned before getting up and going to my car to change his diaper.

I did that and we went to watch the game. After a while we left to go to Sean's game.

I saw him playing and he scored causing me to jump up and scream. He turned around and saw me. He smiled and waved at me. I smiled back before sitting down.

The game ended, and our school won. Sean walked up to me. "Hey you made it." He said before pulling me into a kiss. "Yeah I left Wyatt's game early." I said pulling back.

"I gotta go change but after I'm done I wanna take you out for dinner." He said and kissed me before running to the locker room.

I waited for him in the car with Dylan and when he came he sat on the passenger seat. "Uhm Sean can you drive? I've had a super long day and I'm tired." I told him. "Sure." He said before getting out of the car and going to my side. I got out and went to the passenger side and put on the seat belt.

"So how was your day?" He asked started the car. "Exhausting. How was yours?"
"Exciting. The scouts were impressed and wanted to interview view me and I got offered a scholarship to play football for Las Angeles University!" He said excitedly and I felt. "OMG!" I squeal. "I'm so happy for you."I said pulling him into a hug but he couldn't hug back because he was driving. I heard Dylan giggling in the back which made me smile wider. He hasn't talked this whole night.

"Someone's also happy for you." I joked before kissing Sean's cheek. "Can we reschedule the date for tomorrow because I'm sleepy?" I asked. "Of cause but only if we cuddle for the rest of the night." He said smiling. "How could I say no to that." I said smiling.

We got home and I took Dylan to bed before changing into my pajama shorts and I stayed in my sports bra. And Sean was in his briefs.

We laid in bed and I laid my head on his chest and he hugged my waist. "So how far along are you now?" He asked. "Three months." I said. "When are you going to tell your parents?
"When they come back."
"When are you going to move in your new apartment."
"When the furniture I ordered comes."

"What's up with you and Mike?" He asked and I laughed.
"Nothings going on we're just friends." I told him
"What's going on between you and Lora?" I asked. "Nothing."
"Good." I said and laughed.

I got off of Sean and laid on my back holding my stomach. "I can't wait to see her or him." I said smiling. "I'm team boy." Sean said and I rolled my eyes. "You're ridiculous. This is obviously a girl." I said nudging him.

I then felt nauseous so I sat up. "Sean can you go and get a glass of water." I said and he nodded his head before getting up and leaving the room.

I got a call from mom

-"Dev heyyy, I was just calling to check if everything's fine."-
"Yeah it's fine except El keeps crying because she misses you guys but I doubt you even care."
-"Dev I do care about you guys and I promise when I come home I'll be the best mom to you guys and your unborn sibling."-
"Ha, you always promise me that and never actually do it so I don't think you're going to fulfill your promise"
-"Devon we're trying. Please have some faith in your father and I."-
"Whatever." I said dropping the phone and I put it on do not disturb.

Sean walked in with my glass of water and handed it to me. "Who were you on the phone with?"
"My dumb reckless mom."
"Oh sorry." He said sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes before drinking my water and placing the glass on the drawer.

"So when's your doctors appointment?" He asked. "Next week Wednesday." I told him as I laid down.

"Uhm what's up with you and your mom? I know you don't like her but you seemed angrier than usual." Sean said. "She's pregnant." I told him. "Well what's wrong with that? You're also pregnant." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I know but I also know that I'll take care of my child instead of leaving them all alone just so I can go clubbing." I said. "Mom isn't supposed to have kids. She can barely take care of herself and dad is allowing her to do this things. It's disgusting." I said before turning around and closing my eyes hoping to fall asleep

My Reason To Live {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now