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28 September Wednesday

It's been a month now, and im eight months pregnant. The twins are one month old. Sean went to college. Joshua stayed so he could help Freya and me. Alex took over two of his father's businesses. The restaurant and his club. Freya is still healing. Dean went pro. He plays for the Dallas Buckaroos.
Alex gave me a raise.
I decorated the nursery
And I think I have feelings for Dean.

I was at Freya's house with Joshua. Freya is taking a shower, so we took care of Vonnie and Josh. It feels weird calling Vonnie Devon.

"Okay, I'm back." Freya said, walking in. She was wearing blue oversized sweatpants and a loose tank top. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing slippers.

Will I look like that after Lexa is born?

Vonnie started crying. Dr. Jackson taught me how to care for a newborn. She also told what the babies mean. This cry meant that Vonnie was hungry.

"Someone's hungry." I said, handing the tiny baby to Freya. "I'm exhausted." Freya said, and tears fell from her eyes as she took the baby and breastfed him. "I love these two, but they won't give me a break. They are always crying, and I can never get sleep because I'm afraid that something will happen to them. I wish my mom could help me, but she doesn't want anything to do with them. I also need to get groceries because I'm tired of takeout. I'm glad dad left me all of this money because I don't know how I'd cope." She cried.

"Oh, Freya. If you needed help, you could've called us. I could spend the night watching the twins so you can sleep, and on Saturdays, Joshua and I could take care of the twins so you can have alone time." I told her.
"Oh, I can't do that to you guys. You have jobs, plus you're giving birth next month." She said. "I have Dean to help me. You don't have anyone. I can take some time from work to help." I said. "What'd I do to have friends like you."

"We're not your friends. We're your family." Joshua said. "I wish I could hug you guys, but..." Freya said, motioning at Vonnie.

"I have to go to work now. Josh, can you help me up?" I asked, and he laughed. He helped me up, and I left.

I got home, and I changed into my uniform.
I looked at myself in the mirror. "People will keep hating on us, but I'll never stop loving you." I said to Lexa and rubbed my belly. I felt a kick, and I smiled. "Your kicks hurt sometimes, but I don't mind because it means that you're alive." I joked.

I grabbed my bag and left.


I got to work and waited tables. People were asking me when am I due or asking if it's a boy or girl. There was this sweet old lady who said I reminded her of her daughter. On my lunch break, I sat with her, and she told me about her daughter. She told me about how she used to travel the world with her husband. She also gave me tips on how to take care of Lexa.

She then had to leave. I got a huge tip from her. Another rich couple gave me a huge tip. Probably out of pity, but I'm not going to complain.

A group of rich teens were making my job hard for me. "I said I wanted a quinoa salad, not this shit." A girl complained, and her friends laughed at me. "Actually, you said you wanted this 'shit'." I replied, getting annoyed. "You do know I could get you fired from here, right?" She asked. "Oh, I doubt that." I smiled, knowing that I'm getting on her nerves. "The owner of this restaurant is my father. He'll get you fired from here, and you won't have any money to take care of that dumb baby." She said angrily. I was getting angry too. She doesn't have the right to talk about my child like that.
"Laila, that's enough." Her friend said

"Oh yeah? Then where is he?" I asked. "He's at home." She said, looking around. "Actually, the owner is managing one of his clubs, and I think Alex is too young to have a daughter your age, plus he's black and you're white." I said. "What?"

I walked away and carried on doing my job.

Alex came back with two insanely hot guys in suits. One has blonde hair blue eyes and was shorter than the other one. The second one has raven black hair and green eyes, and he had a snake tattoo on his neck. He saw me staring, and I quickly looked away. I went to Troy and told him about what I saw.

- Alex's point of view

"Who's she?" Grayson asked, pointing to Devie. "That's my best friend Devon." I told him. "If she's your best friend, why is she waiting tables." Finn asked. "My dad hired her. She needs the money to pay rent and take care of her child." I told him. "Is the father in the picture?" Grayson asked. "Yeah, but they are not together anymore." I told him. "So she's single?" He asked. "Yeah." I told him. He went over to Dev. I was about to stop him, but Finn grabbed my hand. "Let him."

Devon's point of view.

The guy that saw earlier walked over to me. "Uhm, can I help you?" I asked. "Yeah. Can we talk?" He asked. "I'm afraid we can't. I need to do my job because I need these tips." I told him. "C'mon, just a few minutes." He begged. "Fine." I sighed. "Great." He said, and we sat down.

"What'd you want to talk about?" I asked. "You are very gorgeous, and I want to take you out." He said. "You can't take me out." I said. "Why?"
"Because I have bigger things to do."
"Like what?"
"I need to get ready for the baby, and I need to work because I need the money."
"If you want money, I can give you money." He said, taking out his money.

"The fuck I don't need your money and I certainly don't need a snob like you in my life." I said getting up and walking away from him. He grabbed my wrist. "Don't walk away from." He said tightening his grip. "Let go." I said. "I said -"

"Let go. She said, "Let go."" I heard Dean. The guy let go of me, and I ran to Dean's arms. "I missed you." I said, hugging him. "I missed you too." He said and kissed my forehead.

"C'mon let's go I have a surprise for you." He said


We got to the park and I saw Lynette and Stelle guarding something. "Surprise." Dean said. My eyes widened as I saw the table for two. The were red roses scattered on the floor. "OMG! You did this for me?" I asked smiling. "Yeah. Now cmon let's go sit." He said holding my hand

We sat down and ate. "Devie."
"I wanted to apologize for all the pain I've caused you. It was never my intention to hurt you. Before we started dating I had a crush on you but I knew you were into Sean. Only Joshua knew I liked you."
"Joshua knows everything." I joked.
"Yeah. When the guys dared me to ask you out I was scared. I thought you were going to reject me but when you said yes I was ecstatic. I was in love with you and I still am. When you overhead me and the guys talking I felt like shit. I never meant what I said. It's just that I didn't want the guys to think I've lost 'my cool'. Point is I'm sorry Dev I hope you forgive me and take me back." When he finished I was in tears.

"Ofcourse I forgive you Dean and I'll take you back." I cried. He got up and walked over to me. I got up and he pulled me into a kiss. The kiss was passionate. It felt magical.

We pulled back and I was smiling like an idiot.

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