22 / Part Two

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6 months later...

6 months later

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I stare into her eyes through the glass.

"Everything is fine, everyone is fine. Sorry you gone be' away for a long time, T. Sorry for everything."

Teyana stares blankly. She forces a little bit of a smile out of her expression.

I try to figure out what else to say and stutter on my words.

Normani still hates her with a passion. And I do too. But at the end of the day, Teyana attempted and took the fall. Even though I hate that she tipped off Jaime, I can't stay mad at the woman. She left her father behind and lost a brother all at once and I understand in a sense that it meant survival.

Normani knows I swing by. Everytime I let her know, she huffs and shrugs her shoulder and says "to each their own".

Teyana continues to insist that she still got some sort of a happy ending to this. Maybe I'm not able to see her side, but I just can't see being put in jail being any kind of a happy ending. But she found herself a program willing to rehabilitate and help her. So I think there are maybe strides forwards that I'm just not seeing.

She puts her hand up to the glass. She always does this when she wants me to promise something. She always used to do it leading up to that mess. She would hold Normani's and my hand and speak her request like a person rubbing the side of a damn kettle waiting for a genie to appear.

"Promise me you'll live your best life. Live it to the fullest. Tomorrow is not promised. We all know that very well."


"Quick, take it off!"

"Mani, gimme a second." I chuckle trying to take my shoes off and hand them to her in a plastic grocery bag and then hand off my jacket. I shut the door behind me.

This is daily routine once I cross the threshold of the door. I don't mind it though. She treats me like I came home from a construction job.

As usual everything goes into the

I've suggested we take some therapy together because we're both fucked up in the head after all that happened with King. But she insists that she doesn't need it. I still attend sessions for my sake but I really think she could benefit. Maybe she just needs to go at her own pace with no rushing. Regardless, I will always be here for her.

If letting her clean the house 20 times a day and letting her do 5 loads of laundry everytime we go out, I'm willing to let her.

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