"Flowers?" 🤍

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Hinata's POV <3

Hopefully he likes these. I smiled as I walked out of the store, shoving my wallet back into my pocket. I would be embarrassed if I got the wrong ones. I pulled my phone out to see a missed call and multiple texts from Komaeda. I was quick to unlock my phone and call him back.

My phone rung for a few seconds before I heard his voice. "Komaeda!" I smiled. "Why didn't you answer before? I was worried." His voice was raspy and showed clear irritation. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you called before. I was too busy buying things for you." I explained. "My phone must've been on silent."

"Yeah, okay." Was all I heard before he hung up. Is he mad at me? I frowned and tightened my grip on the flowers still in my hand. Maybe he'll forgive me? I continued to walk back to my house, preparing for whatever Komaeda is going to say to me as soon as I open the door.

Should I have gotten something else? I can't really go back now. I had multiple thoughts about what I should have gotten him, but I'm sure he would appreciate the flowers.

I was suddenly stopped by a familiar voice and I turned to see who it was. "Hajime!" Chiaki had made her way next to me with a smile. "Chiaki! How are you?" A smile had made it's way on my face. "I've been good. I have been spending most of my time with Sonia. What about you?" Chiaki for once was without one of her devices, which caused her to just stare at me the entire time.

"Doing good. I bought flowers for Komaeda not too long ago. I don't know if he'll like them.." I explained. Chiaki looked down at the flowers I was holding and smiled. "Im sure he'll love them. Doesn't he always like everything you give him?" She asked. "I would say yes. He liked the rock I gave him." I nodded.

"Did you ever give him something he didn't like or wouldn't take?" Chiaki asked once again. I had to think for a while. I don't remember if anything like that ever happened..

"No, I don't think so." I looked down at her. "I don't remember if he has ever hated anything I gave him." I explained. "Komaeda has always been a weird guy. I try giving him things I don't want and he takes it, only to give it back to me days later." Chiaki said.

I was silent as she continued speaking. Does he just like everything I give him because I bought it? "...and I don't understand why." Chiaki had finished speaking, but I was lost in my thoughts and only heard the last few words she said. "Ah, I don't know either." I replied with a small laugh.

"I should get going. Sonia wanted to see me before it hits three." Chiaki explained with a wave. "I'll see you another day, Hajime!" Then she was gone. I looked ahead of me and felt nervous as my house was only a few more steps away. He loves everything I give him. It'll be fine. I took a deep breath before walking up the steps and opening the door.

"Komaeda?" I called out and shut the door. I was standing for a few seconds before Komaeda was running down the stairs and attacked me with a hug. "You're home!" He tightened his arms around my waist. "I am home." I wrapped my arms around him. "I have something for you." I let go and he backed away.

"What is it? You told me you had something for me!" Komaeda had a smile on his face. "Did you buy me a trash can?" He asked. "What? No! I bought you flowers." I held them up to his chest as I looked away. I was embarrassed and nervous if he would take them or not.

"Flowers?" His voice was a lot softer. "For me..?" He sounded like he was going to cry, and as I looked up to him, I was surprised to see that he was. "Komaeda! What's wrong? Do you not like them?"

"What? No, no!" Komaeda turned and wiped his tears. He faced me again and took the flowers. "Hinata-kun, I love them." He smiled and held them up to his chest. I was hit with relief as he then pulled me in for a kiss. Komaeda had placed the flowers on a nearby chair and wrapped both arms around me. I had my arms over his shoulders and we parted to breathe.

"I never got the chance to ask you." I moved my hands down to his waist. "Why do you like everything I give you? You never refuse to take anything even if something isn't meant to be a gift." I asked.

Komaeda didn't hesitate to respond. "Because I want to keep memories with me. Everything you gave me... I remember where and when you gave them to me. I don't think I can ever get rid of anything you gave me." He explained with a smile on his face.

"Only for the memories?" I asked with a smile.

"It's because I love you, Hinata-kun."

"You... love me?" I felt my face grow hot. I have been preparing to hear such words from him. But I never expected it to be now.

"I love you. I truely do." Komaeda's hand creeped up to my face and I leaned into it. "I don't think I can ever let you go." He explained.

"Just because of some flowers?" I laughed.

"Everything you gave me." Komaeda hugged me tight. "I'll never forget anything you gave me."

"I'll never forget you, either."

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