"The 'Hero' and the Villain Go Off Track" ⭐️

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"The 'Hero' and the Villain Go Off Track."
Scene AU !!
Long 😹
Maybe includes some angst...... idk
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Hinata's POV <3

"Come on, you love me," Komaeda smiled, pointing his gun upwards towards the ceiling of the burnt house.

"Keep dreaming," I rolled my eyes with a scoff, smiling only the slightest. "Oh, before I forget, don't blow up anything this time. You almost blew my fucking cover last time you decided to stir up some fun."

"Promise," Komaeda laughed. "You should get going, your other 'friends' are about to get here," he pushed me towards the open window.

"Stop by my place later tonight," Komaeda winked before running off.

I scoffed and jumped out of the window. Right on time, too, as the others crowded in front of me.

"What were you doing up there?" Soda pushed through the crowd, standing in front of me. I scratched my neck, quickly making up an excuse and saying, "I was trying to find clues."

Soda just laughed.

"We should stop standing around. We're wasting time," Pekoyama said. Kuzuryu stood next to her, nodding in agreement. "Standing around won't help us catch this guy," he said.

"We should split up, like we... always do," I said. "Everyone on the left could go to the building behind me, and everyone on the right can go to the left building."

"What about you?" Sonia stepped forwards.

"I'll go alone. Soda can join you and the others. I'll be fine," I smiled at her. Sonia had a worried expression on her face, but was quickly reassured by Soda.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just start moving."

Everyone started talking, making their way to the buildings I told them to go to. I made sure everyone was gone before running off to do my own thing.

Komaeda's POV <3

I hid myself behind a pillar, making slow movements as I made my way to the open crates by me. I made sure the path was clear before digging inside, finding some pretty neat stuff I could use in case I got caught.

I found some dynamite, which could come in use later today.

Hearing footsteps echo behind me, I was quick to turn around and point my gun in front of me with one hand. My other hand held a bundle of dynamite.

I took one look at the dynamite in my hand before lowering my gun and breaking into a run.

Blowing up a random person wouldn't do me any good.

I ran into a nearby bar, quickly shutting and blocking the doors with a plank of wood laying on the ground. I unwrapped my jacket from my waist, putting it on and covering my head with the hood.

I rolled my sleeves up and looked outside of the windows. Maybe having a little bit of fun wouldn't hurt. I smiled at a guy walking towards the alleyway a street across from me.

I opened the window, crawling out of it and heading towards the alleyway the guy had disappeared into.

Hinata's POV <3

"Find anything?" I met up with the others. I had found a jar full of small papers that Komaeda had left behind for me.

Everyone shook their heads besides Sonia, Pekoyama, and Soda. I spoke with those three while everyone else was figuring out a plan for when they "capture the bad guy."

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