"Happier Than Ever With You" 🤍

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"Happier Than Ever With You."
Medium sized story ig 😹
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Komaeda's POV <3

I raised my glass with a smile on my face. "I just want to thank everyone who showed up tonight. This night was special to us and to all of you." Lowering my glass, everyone cheered and started talking to everyone around the room.

I turned to Hinata who was by my side, placing my glass next to his. "Cheers?" I held him by his waist. "Cheers." He smiled back at me, clinking our glasses together.

Nanami walked up to us with Sonia by her side. "Congratulations, you two." Nanami said. "Congratulations!" Sonia said after her.

"No need to congratulate us." I set my glass down on the table nearby, shaking my head. Nanami rolled her eyes and smiled. "Everyone has been waiting for this day, you know. A lot of people are very happy for you two. Like Sonia and I." She said.

Sonia nodded and intertwined her hands together.

The two wore matching dresses that were a rosy color with a ruby attached to the front near the neck.

"You two should go have fun and catch up with the others about their lives. Hinata and I have things to do." I picked my glass up again. The two girls nodded and went to talk to the other crowd of girls.

I dragged Hinata outside to the balcony by his hand, closing the double doors behind us.

I leaned on the railing, looking up at the sunset.

"I've been waiting for this day, too, since forever." I laughed, sighing and drinking the rest of my champagne.

"You looked so stupid walking down the aisle." Hinata turned to me. "I was nervous!" I turned to him with a smile. "Not everyone is excited as hell to get married. Nervousness comes along."

"So does regret." Hinata joined me by the railings.

"Are you saying you regret marrying me?" I scoffed.

"What? No. I was just saying that some people could regret getting married. It's a big thing, Komaeda." Hinata looked down at the rocky cliff below the balcony.

"I know it is." I sighed. "Are you happy? You know, being with me?" I asked.

"What? Of course I am." Hinata placed his half filled glass on the skinny railing. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I shrugged.

"How about we go back inside? Soda and Kuzuryu are here. So is Ouma and Saihara." Hinata took my hand in his.

"Ouma's here?" I turned towards the door, dragging Hinata back inside.

"You're going to make me fall on the floor!" Hinata grabbed my arm. I rolled my eyes, spotting the short male in a black suit.

"Ouma!" I called out to him. He turned in my direction, laughing when he saw me. "Ah, Komaeda! My favorite." He opened his arms, attacking me with a hug.

"It's so good to see you again." I smiled after stepping out of the hug. Hinata stood a good distance away from me and was in a conversation with Saihara.

"I missed my buddy. Had to make this guy my bud after you went after Mr. Spikes." He gestured towards the two.

"Wow. Mr. Spikes. How creative." I scoffed.

"To make you feel better, I call the bitch a cum dumpster." He pointed to Iruma across the room talking to Akamatsu.

"Wow. That makes me feel so much better." I rolled my eyes, walking towards Hinata. "Why don't we go see Soda and Kuzuryu?"

"Yeah." He nodded, waving to Saihara.

We found the two by a window, having a very loud conversation. "Kuzuryu!" Hinata called and waved to him. Kuzuryu flashed a small smile and shook his hand.

"Hey, Soda." I smiled. "Hey dude!" He fist bumped me with his usual shark smile.

"How have you been? With Sonia and everything." I asked. "We're doing good! We've been working out just fine." He said.

"Well, that's good." I nodded.

"Congratulations, by the way. For you and Hinata. Must've been tough to get enough courage to propose to him because of how you were years ago." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"It was tough. I didn't know if I really made him happy or if he was just dating me because he was sorry for me." I sighed. "Been together for seven years and now here we are."

"I'm happy for you, man." Soda smiled. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me." I hugged him.

Soda hugged back, letting go after a few seconds.

"Are you going to do your announcement? You should before it gets too late." Soda reminded me.

"Oh, right! Thank you. I needed someone to remind me. Hinata, let's go." I waved to Soda and grabbed Hinata's hand. He quickly said "bye" to Kuzuryu.

"Hopefully everyone is still up for dancing." I said.

"I'm sure they will. They've been here for the rest of the night, and they don't look like they'll leave any time soon." Hinata smiled at me.

"Hopefully they won't leave before I announce it." I got to the table, letting go of Hinata and speaking up loud enough for everyone to hear me. I announced that everyone would be given a chance to dance with a partner for the rest of the night.

Hinata's POV <3

I scoffed at Komaeda, dragging him off of the dance floor. "That's enough dancing for you."

"I'm just having fun. You didn't want to dance with me." He smiled. "It's embarrassing when people stare at you." I sighed. "It's like we're the spotlight of attention."

"Probably because we technically are." Komaeda grabbed my hands. "It's fine. We don't have to dance. We can just stand outside in the balcony." He started leading me there.

"It's quiet out there." I nodded.

Pushing open the doors, we stood outside and stared at the bright stars. Music was blasting inside, so standing outside was what I would prefer to do until everyone left.

"Are you having fun?" Komaeda asked.

I nodded. "It's just noisy in there with the music and yelling."

"Yeah. I swear I could go deaf right now." Komaeda rolled his eyes with a smile. I laughed.

I realized I had left my champagne out here. I grabbed the glass, pouring it out over the balcony. "Bugs in it."

"Gross." Komaeda took the glass out of my hand, placing it down away from us. He grabbed my waist with a smile.

"I'm happy that we have gotten this far together." He said. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Hinata." He grabbed one of my hands.

"Are you sure we won't be dead by thirty with all of the stupid shit we've done?" I moved his hand to my chest.

"You mean getting scared to death from a roller coaster?" Komaeda laughed. A small smile appeared on my face.

"You're my favorite person in the world. You mean so much to me." I hugged him tightly.

There was silence between us when he hugged me back. Only the music from inside ruining it suddenly.

"I'm sorry that we can't have a silent moment together." Komaeda sighed. "It's fine." I looked up at him. "When everyone leaves we can do whatever. It'll be silent for the entire night after." I grinned.

Komaeda moved his hand to my hair, running his fingers through it. "Totally silent." He rolled his eyes.

I sighed, hugging him again. "I love you, Komaeda."

"I love you too."

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