"Fake Dating" 🍋

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"Fake Dating."
Smutish and long af 😹
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Komaeda's POV <3

I was shoving my books in my locker when suddenly, Nanami came out of nowhere. "MY GOD." I jumped back and slammed my locker shut. Nanami looked up from her Nintendo with no expression at all.

"You okay?" She asked. "Scared me half to death!" I placed my hand on my chest where my heart was located. "Could've killed me!" I took a step towards her. "My bad." Nanami looked down and continued playing her game. "Do you need something?" I asked. Nanami shook her head and answered with a "no."

I sighed and crossed my arms.

"You're going to be the death of me one day." I smiled and turned away from her, heading to my next class. I could hear steps next to me, and I wasn't surprised to see Nanami following me. "Do you need something?" I asked again. Nanami was silent until we reached the end of the hall.

"Yes, actually." Nanami looked up from her game as soon as the words "GAME OVER" flashed on the screen. "Hinata wants to see you." She said.

"Are you serious?" I scoffed. "I'm not going to meet up with someone like him." I started walking again. Nanami walked after me and stopped me as soon as I reached my classroom door. "Nanami. Move."

"Komaeda. Just go see him. It could be important." Nanami was practically begging me.

"Do you know what he wants to talk about?" I asked with crossed arms. I was starting to get annoyed. I never liked talking about the boy, as we have been rivals since we first crossed each other.

"I don't." Nanami answered. "But at least go and see what he wants. Im sure it won't be that bad." She for once put her Nintendo down, holding it with one hand. "Please?"

"Begging won't make me say yes."

Nanami and I were silent until the bell had rung.

"I'll stop bothering you for a week." Nanami was the first to speak.

"Fine." I sighed. "Keep your distance." I pointed a finger at her. "I'm also late for class because of this. Where does he want me to go?" I asked.

"Fountain." Nanami answered. I didn't say anything else and turned around down the hall. I heard a door close behind me, and I assumed that Nanami had went to class. Why did I agree to this?

My footsteps echoed in the halls until I pushed a door open. I was blinded for five seconds as the sun was facing my direction. Fuck outside. I lifted an arm to shield myself and walked forwards. Where is he? I continued to walk until I saw a familiar boy. Found him.

I lowered my arm and stood next to him, tapping his shoulder. "Hinata." I said with clear irritation. He looked up from a book he was reading and set it down on the edge of the fountain. "Komaeda! You actually came." Hinata almost ran towards me. "You've got five minutes to explain what the fuck you want from me." I hit him in the chest.

Hinata stumbled back and wasted no time.

"I know it's so sudden and we basically hate each other, but I seriously need you to do a favor for me. I've asked multiple people and they've all declined. You were the last person on my list I wanted to ask." He said.

"What is it?" I crossed my arms. "Komaeda, will you please fake date me." Hinata said rather quickly. "Excuse me?" I laughed. "You want me to date you? No fucking way." I walked up to him and shoved him.

"Stop being deaf!" Hinata shoved me back. "I said fake date me! Not actual dating." He pulled me forwards by my tie. "And you thought I would do that? No way." I pushed him off of me and turned to walk away.

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