"Boy Friend or Boyfriend?" ⭐️

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"Boy Friend or Boyfriend?"
Scene AU
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Komaeda's POV <3

"I won!" I yelled with a smile, grabbing the chess board and throwing it at the wall. The chess pieces flew everywhere.

"You already dented the wall twice!" Hinata stood up and ran to clean everything up.

"The wall is fine. It'll still be in perfect condition for the next few years." I rolled my eyes, grabbing the black king next to me and throwing it at Hinata's head.

He dropped the board and turned around to stare at me.

"What?" I grabbed a black pawn, throwing it at his face. Hinata groaned and grabbed the pawn I threw, throwing it so hard in my face I fell over.

He laughed and called me a dumbass.

"I'll fucking kill you!" I propped myself up on my arms then moved, tackling Hinata to the ground.

I moved my hands to his waist and started tickling him. A wide smile appeared on my face once he started punching my chest and filling the house with loud laughter.

"Stop! Stop!" Hinata pushed me, laughing so hard that tears ran down his face. I took my hands off of his waist and messed his hair up.

"Your laugh is cute." I got off of him, grabbing my phone from the table. "It's my guardian. I have to take this outside." I turned around to Hinata.

He looked like he had a fever, though I ignored it. He always looks like that.

"Before you go, would you want to watch a movie?" He asked. "Why not. You can pick something. I'll be inside in a few." I smiled, answering my guardian and stepping outside on the balcony.

Hinata's POV <3

I looked through the recommendations, sighing as Komaeda and I have watched almost every movie possible. Even the ones made back in the 1900's.

I decided to just have us rewatch White Noise. Komaeda loved it the first time we watched. Laughing and getting angry or annoyed at different scenes.

I thought the movie was stupid and boring as fuck.

I paused it as soon as it started the opening scene, and I waited for Komaeda to come back inside.

I scrolled through instagram on my phone while I waited, liking all of the new photos that Komaeda had posted.

I smiled at one of his photos. It was one of him, Nanami, and I. We never really see Nanami a lot anymore as she's always busy with her collage life. Komaeda and I didn't go to collage with her because we weren't going to waste our life doing extra work just to fail.

Komaeda came back inside a few minutes later, taking a seat on the couch. "What are we watching?" He asked.

"White Noise." I said, unpausing the movie.

Komaeda smiled and clapped his hands. He grabbed a fuzzy blanket from the other side of the couch, moving closer to me and wrapping it around us.

He focused on the movie and kept a smile on his face.

I had a bored expression on my face as I watched it, too, only flashing a smiling whenever Komaeda laughed or got mad.

He likes the stupidest things. I looked at him.

I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my head on his shoulder. He turned to me with a small laugh, holding one of my hands.

"You're weird." He used his other arm to wrap around my waist, keeping me close. He continued to watch the movie until the end, telling me all about how different scenes made him mad or disappointed.

I was too busy focusing on him to even pay attention when he was telling me something.

He shook my shoulder and I sat up. "What?"

"I have to go." Komaeda said.

"Like, right now?" I frowned. Komaeda nodded.

He sat up and walked towards the door, putting his shoes on and grabbing his jacket. "I'm sure we can hang out again tomorrow." He smiled.

"I don't want you to go." I stood up and walked towards him, grabbing his arm.

"I have to listen to my guardian." Komaeda held my hand.

"Aren't you eighteen? Why do you have a guardian when you can take care of yourself? You're an adult now!"

"I'm seventeen. I turn eighteen next month." He smiled.

"Can't you stay?"

Komaeda shook his head.

"I'll swing by tomorrow before I leave for my band practice." Komaeda hugged me.

I nodded, hugging him back.

"Right now, I really have to go." He laughed, hanging his jacket over his shoulder and opened the door.

"Wait!" I grabbed his shirt before he could close the door. Komaeda whipped around and stared at me.

"Hinata, I really have to go." He frowned.

"I know, I just want to walk you out." I said. I scratched my neck out of embarrassment. Komaeda cracked a smile.

"Why didn't you say that before?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, shutting the door.

I walked by his side down the stairs of my house.

"Sorry if Im making you late to your own house." I stared down at the pavement. Komaeda just laughed and squeezed my hand.

"My guardian wouldn't be too upset." He said.

Komaeda's POV <3

We made it to the street of where my house was, talking about the embarrassing things we did in school a few years ago. Hinata and I laughed the entire time — not serious one bit.

We stopped at the front of my house.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I said. Hinata looked up at me with a frown. He didn't say anything, and we just stood in silence.

"We don't have to hang out t—" I was cut off when Hinata kissed me.

It was only for a short second.

He let go of my hands, breaking into a run back to his house. I turned to look at him run away, loosely covering my mouth with a hand.

I was about to run after him when my guardian opened the door and told me to come inside. I turned to her with a nod, sighing. "I'm coming."

I walked into my house, going straight to my room upstairs. Shutting the door, I sat on my bed, replaying the short moment in my head.

Did he mean to do that?

I sighed, then heard my phone go off. I quickly grabbed it and checked my lockscreen. A text from Hinata. I opened it, thinking it's an apology — but it wasn't.

"I meant to do that."

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