"Homeroom" ⭐️

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Based off of my homeroom conversation with my friends(and extra characters to replace people)!!! (Putting the EXACT words my friends and I said but replacing names so ignore how OOC and unprofessional everyone is 😹)
Each POV is a different time too 😹
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Komaeda's POV <3
7:58am - 8:23am

I sat in my seat, dropping my bag on the ground next to my desk. "Heyyyyy Kuzuryu!" I smiled at him, unzipping my bag and pulling my book out.

The school wifi has been out for a week, so everyone had to either read a book or do something else educational - excluding drawing unless it was for Art class.

Kuzuryu looked up from his book and just stared at me. Nanami, Hinata, and Soda also walked in, taking their seats.

I waved to Nanami and Hinata. Soda was basically ignoring everyone and finishing a project for his English class.

Ms. Yukizome was telling everyone they needed to have books out - either to read or pretend to read, - then started taking attendance silently.

I had my book closed on my desk while everyone else was reading. Kuzuryu only spoke when someone spoke to him or was questioning what one of us said.

Hinata, Nanami, and I were talking about random shit.

"What are you doing?" I asked Hinata as he was writing on a piece of paper. "It's for my science class." He said. "Real." I smiled.

Hinata's POV <3
8:23am - 8:30am

"You know, Komaeda, you actually have to have the book open to pretend to read it." Kuzuryu said. "Shut up." Komaeda smiled and opened his book up. Soda, Nanami, and I laughed.

"Real." I said.

Komaeda looked up at the clock on the wall. "It's almost 8:30, we can head down to second breakfast." He said.

Nanami, Komaeda, and I put our books and papers away, zipping our bags and putting them over our shoulders.

Kuzuryu and Soda decided to stay like they always do.

Nanami's POV <3
8:30am - 8:36am

The three of us walked down the hall, talking on the way to the cafeteria.

"Oh there's Nidai." Komaeda pointed to one of the other homeroom's, exactly where the guy was sitting.

Hinata and I continued talking while he went over to Owari. Nanami and I waited in line while I called Hinata over.

Waiting in line, six minutes had already passed.

"We won't even have time to eat." Komaeda pointed out.

"Ugh." Hinata groaned.

Komaeda's POV <3
8:36am - 8:40am - 8:45am

After getting breakfast, we all sat down at a table by Nanami.

"She shaved her eyebrows. Look at her! My friends lied to her and said that shaving one off would make them grow back uneven, so she shaved both." I said.

"That's why she wears a beanie?" Hinata looked over at her.

"Yeah." I said.

Nanami was just eating silently.

The bell rung, and we all hurried to put our food in the trash. After we all did, we went to our classes.

Owari pushed her way through everyone, causing me to hit the wall. Hinata just laughed at me.

Nanami was already gone for her class. Hinata and I were in the same English class, and we made our way there.

Entering the class, we grabbed our journals and took our seats.

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