"Valentine's Day Puzzle Notes" 💝/⭐️

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"Valentine's Day Puzzle Notes."
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Komaeda's POV <3

I was walking through the halls with Nanami, talking about who we would ask out.

"Sonia is the kindest girl I've ever met." Nanami smiled. "I would ask her first before anyone else. What about you?" She looked up at me.

I shrugged. "I don't have a lot of people in mind."

"What about him?" Nanami pointed across the halfway.

"Not my type."

"You never even talk about things like this. You always ask me about it but you never say anything about it that's directed towards yourself." Nanami sighed.

"I don't like anyone. That's why." I said.

Nanami smiled and laughed. "That's what I thought. You never had interest in any of the people I showed you."

"That's because they were all girls."

Nanami was silent the rest of the walk to our lockers. Did I embarrass her?

I opened my locker and notes spilled out of it, piling on the floor.

Nanami turned to me after shutting her locker, laughing. She picked one of the letters up, ripping it open and reading the note.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, you're a psycho, but I still love you." She read, looking up at me with a smile.

"Oh, how nice." I rolled my eyes with sarcasm in my voice. I snatched the note from her, shutting my locker and sitting on the floor. I picked another letter up, opening it.

"Are you just going to open letters until class?" Nanami sat down next to me. I nodded.

I took the note out of the envelope, reading aloud. "Roses are red, flowers come in a bunch, let's go straight to the bedroom, forget about lunch." I turned to her.

Nanami grabbed the note out of my hand and laughed. "Do you know who writes these?" She asked. I shook my head. "Does it tell you who at least?" She checked both sides of the note.

"I don't think someone would write their name on a fucking letter unless it's an actual letter." I grabbed another off of the floor, tearing it open.

There were five more left, six if I included the one I was just opening.

"Roses are red, hammers are blunt." I rolled my eyes. "Why do you always act like an idiot?"

Nanami grabbed a letter off of the ground and read it.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, the day they change colors, is when I'll stop loving you." She smiled.

I grabbed the note out of her hand, reading it myself. "Who the fuck is writing these?" I scoffed.

Opening the next letter, I sighed. "Roses are red, violets are blue, did I stutter when I said I'm in love with you?"

"Looks like you have a secret admirer." Nanami opened the next letter. "Roses hurt when you pick them, violets do not. I'll pick them both anyway, 'cause damn boy you're hot."

I scoffed, opening the last letter.

"Roses are red and violets are blue. I want to spend the rest of the night making love to you."

Nanami turned to me and laughed. I turned the note around, not expecting to see anything.

But there was small writing. I leaned closer, reading it. "You know who I am."

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