"Bad Day? Good day? Fun day?" 🤍/🍋

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"Bad Day? Good day? Fun day?"
Lmao long again 😹
🤍 🍋 🤍 🍋 🤍

Komaeda's POV <3

I walked through the halls with Kuzuryu walking by my side. He had his hands in his pockets with me carrying both mine and his book.

"You really have some nerve talking back to Saionji like that." I said, looking over to the blond. "Some nerve? She deserved it. Bossing Tsumiki around and telling her what she can and can't do is fucking stupid." He said.

"It's rare to see you care for someone other than Pekoyama." I smiled at him. "I don't care about Saionji or Tsumiki. I'm just saying that she shouldn't be bossing her around. Tsumiki isn't a servant." Kuzuryu clicked his tongue.

I just shrugged.

We reached our classroom, pushing open the door and stepping inside. "I'll be back when the bell rings. I'm going to hang out with Pekoyama. Leave my book on my desk." Kuzuryu tapped my shoulder before leaving.

I walked to his desk all the way in the back left corner, dropping his book on his desk.

I turned around, spotting another boy.
Oh, right. He stayed in class during lunch.

I walked up to him. He had his head down, so I assumed he didn't know who I was. "Hinata?" I placed one of my hands on one of the sharp corners of the desk, putting my other hand on his shoulder.

I shook him, and he shot his head up.

"I- Komaeda?" He turned to me. I was surprised by his action, taking a step back. "Shit, sorry. You just scared me." He sighed, laying his head back down and staring out of the window.

"Sorry." I said, stepping towards him. I put my hand in the same spot on the desk.

"Did you need anything?" He asked. "Nothing specific. Just wanted to make sure you were okay." I scratched my neck, looking away from him.

He sighed, moving his head so his face was hidden in his arms.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. But, are you... okay?" I looked down at him and leaned towards him.

"I'm fine. It's just that my day has not been exactly as I planned." He said.

"Did something happen?" I asked. "Do you want to talk about it?" I walked away and grabbed a chair, pulling it over and sitting down.

"My girlfriend broke up with me. Found another guy she could play with." Hinata sat up properly but slouched immediately. "Then my friends ditched me for that new guy." He sighed.

"Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch." I scoffed. "Ex-girlfriend." He corrected me. "Your friends sound like dicks, too." I said. "That's because they are." Hinata looked up at me and fixed his posture.

He smiled at me and spat out a laugh. I laughed with him. Standing from the chair I was in, I put my hand back on the desk and my other hand in Hinata's hair.

"I'm sorry about your friends and that bitch." I tilted my head, leaning to the side. "Don't apologize. You didn't cause it." Hinata put his head back down and stared out the window.

I ran my fingers through his hair while silence filled the classroom.

Then the bell rung.

"We can talk after class." I smiled at him, removing my hands from his hair and the desk, grabbing the chair I sat in and moving it back to the desk it belonged to.

Hinata continued to lay down, probably lost in thought. I realized I had dropped my book, so I quickly grabbed it and sat down at my desk all the way in the back next to Kuzuryu's.

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