"Basketball" ⭐️

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Also ignore my terrible knowledge in basketball 😹
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Hinata's POV <3

I shut my locker, walking up to my friend Soda. "Hey, dude!" I placed my hand on his shoulder. Soda turned and closed his locker after tossing his bag in. "You ready for our big game?" Soda started walking.

I joined his side with a nervous sigh. "I'm nervous. That's all I can say." I scratched my neck.

"Is your boyfriend going to be there?" Soda asked. "Komaeda? Yeah. That's mainly why I'm nervous. Messing up or missing a shot in front of him would be embarrassing." I said.

"If you mess up or miss a shot, I'll make it so it looks like I made you mess up." Soda smiled. "You're a life saver, you know that?" I laughed.

He always has my back.

"Gather around, everyone!" Our coach walked in, holding his board in hand. "Just making sure we have all our players." He said.

Everyone gathered around him. He slowly spun in a full circle, making sure to mark that everyone was here. "Alright, we've got anyone. Are the girls ready?" He asked.

"Owari told us they were. They should be outside of the girls locker room." Soda told him. "Got it." Our coach said, leaving. His voice was almost silent as he spoke to the female coach outside.

"Don't be nervous. I've got your back." Soda pat my shoulder. "I know you do." I nodded.

Komaeda's POV <3

I took my seat on the bleachers, making sure I sat in the front row. My friend, Kuzuryu, also decided to join me as his girlfriend, Pekoyama, was on the girls team.

"I'm excited. Watching Hinata play is almost like a dream." I sighed with a smile. Kuzuryu looked at me with a weird expression. "Calm yourself, man." He said.

"Sorry. I'm just excited to see his talent in basketball. I want to see how good he is." I intertwined my hands, staring at the empty court.

"Obviously he's really good. He wouldn't have made the team if he wasn't." Kuzuryu moved closer to me, probably because he couldn't hear me that well because of the talking behind us.

I sighed as the girls team made their way on court, gathering on the side closest to us. So he's playing on the other side.

I looked at the girls on the team, noticing our friend Nanami. There was Pekoyama next to her, also Mioda, Owari, Iruma, and Harukawa on the other side of those two.

The female coach was talking to everyone, probably repeating the rules in case everyone suddenly forgot.

The boys team crowded in. I didn't know everyone, but I could spot Nidai, Soda, Kuwata, Tanaka, Momota, and Hinata. The male coach didn't talk to them, and was instead talking to the female coach.

They shook hands before writing something down on their boards.

Half of each team was sitting on benches by their coaches while the other halves were on court. Hinata happened to be one of the guys on the bench alongside Soda, Tanaka, Momota, and Kuwata.

Nanami, Mioda, Harukawa, Owari, and Iruma were on the court together while their other half of the team was on the bench.

Both coaches yelled something out, and then the game began.

My eyes were on Hinata the entire time. He cheered for every time his team scored, while Nanami's - or I should say Owari's team, booed for every time Hinata's team scored.

I could tell that Kuzuryu kept looking at me. He probably was feeling regret for sitting next to me. He was only here to see Pekoyama anyway.

Hinata was called on court and he quickly side hugged Soda before running to join his new team. The coaches agreed on something - even if it sort of broke the rules, - but Hinata was able to swap with one of his on court friends, taking his spot as two. Also known or called the Shooting Guard.

One of the girls had switched too. Pekoyama and Mioda swapped places. Mioda took Pekoyama's spot as one, or the Point Guard, just like Hinata told me.

The coaches dropped their boards on the benches after talking to Mioda and Hinata.

I shook Kuzuryu's shoulder with a smile. "Hinata's finally playing!"

"I can see that." Kuzuryu sighed, waving at Pekoyama as she finally looked at him.

Time had passed quickly, as two hours passed by already.

Kuzuryu and I were waiting outside of the locker rooms, waiting for Hinata and Pekoyama. "Time passed way too fast." I said. "You literally just said it passed by too slow." Kuzuryu groaned in annoyance.

"Make up your mind." He said.

Suddenly the doors pushed open. Pekoyama came out first, hugging Kuzuryu. "Hey, Komaeda." She said after embracing and saying hello to the shorter male. I waved to her.

The other doors pushed open, and Hinata ran at me, hugging me tightly. "Komaeda! God, am I happy to finally be done with the game." He sighed.

I hugged him back with a smile. "Didn't you enjoy it?" I asked. "Of course I did." He responded.

"We're going to go home. Drive safely." Pekoyama waved at us. Kuzuryu followed her. "Yeah, bye you two." He waved.

"Get home safely!" Hinata said. I just waved with no noises.

Hinata and I waited until we heard the front doors shut. "Should we get going before the others get out?" I grabbed his hand.

Hinata smiled and walked ahead, leading me to the doors. "Are you driving?" He asked. "Do you want to drive?" I pulled the keys out of my pocket and held them out. "Why not?" Hinata took them, pushing the doors open and leading me to the car.

I let go of his hand and walked to the passenger side. I opened the door and got inside after Hinata unlocked in.

"Do you want to stop anywhere before we head home?" He asked as he closed his door. I closed mine too. "No." I shook my head.

Hinata started the car, turning to me with an unreadable expression.

"What? Do you want something?" I asked.

I put my seatbelt on, only for Hinata to lean over and kiss me. I kissed back, moving my hand to his cheek. I turned my head, separating us for air.

"Trying to get freaky in the car?" I laughed. "Disgusting." Hinata scoffed. "I wouldn't do it in the car to save your life." He rolled his eyes.

I removed my hand from his face. "Whatever. Anyway, how are you feeling?" I asked. "About your game?"

"I was nervous at first. Pretty sure you could tell." He smiled.

"You looked good." I whistled at him.

Hinata scoffed and pulled me back in for a rougher kiss.

I leaned into it, unbuckling my seat belt and crawling over to him. I sat in his lap with shaky breath.

"You sure you want to wait until we get home?" I leaned on top of him, slowly taking off my jacket.

"Keep my seats clean, please." Hinata said before tossing my jacket in the passenger seat, along with my shirt.

"Sure nobody will see us?" He asked.

"Our windows are tinted, and I'm sure everyone has already left." I smiled.

"If you ruin my seats I'm not driving you ever again or letting you drive again." Hinata said before wrapping his arms around me, kissing me once again.

This will be a wild ride.

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