"Pulchritudinous" 🍋

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Smutish 😹
Long af again too 😹
🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋

Komaeda's POV <3

"Hinata!" I ran downstairs, catching him before he walked out of the door. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Do you need something?" He put his case down, pulling me closer. "Just a hug before you leave." I smiled. Hinata returned the smile.

"I better get going. I wouldn't want to keep Mr. Togami waiting." He picked up his case after letting me go. "Will you be home soon?" I backed up. Hinata stood still for a while before facing the open door. "Ah... maybe. I don't know how long the meeting will be."

"Just text me when you're coming home." I held his free hand tightly. "I will." He nodded before I let go and closed the door behind him.

The house is mine for a few hours. I sighed. Nanami and Soda are busy today. They won't come over. I made my way to the couch, making myself comfortable and hugging the blanket next to me.

I could go outside until Hinata comes home. I could buy him a gift before leaving. I smiled again, letting go of the blanket and running to the door. I grabbed my shoes, zipping them on and taking my jacket off of the hooks to my left.

Turning the light off, I made my way out of the door and heading to the flower shop.

I opened the doors to the small shop, not bothering to greet the lady working there. I found myself in the back, checking the names of the flowers I found.

I stopped on specific pink ones, flipping the tag over. Symbolizes beauty. I smiled, grabbing one and heading to the lady at the front desk.

"Just this." I placed the single flower on the counter. The lady looked bored out of her mind as she scanned the tag. She handed it back to me with a wave of her hand.

That was... awkward. I pushed open the door and made my way back to the house.

I kept staring at the flower the entire time I was walking back. The beautiful pink petals were so soft, and the sweet scent of the flower made me smile. Hopefully he doesn't mind that I bought one... I would hate to make him disappointed that I did get him a dozen...

I finally made it home, pushing open the door and setting the flower down on the kitchen counter. I walked over to the drawer closest to the pantry, grabbing a yellow sticky note and black pen.

I quickly wrote a note to Hinata, placing the pen down and putting the flower on top of it. I intertwined my own hands, smiling like a creep.

"He'll love me even more." I moved my hands to my heart, holding them there. I turned to look at the clock on the wall above me, sighing. He should be back in... maybe six hours? Seven maybe? I'll be out for a while...

I took one final look at the flower and the note before beading back outside and closing the door. I went the opposite direction of the flower shop, heading towards the park.

I followed the trail through the forest with my jacket on my arm. I was bored out of my mind, until my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my back pocket, checking the notification.

Ah, looks like Soda is free.

I unlocked my phone, taking a seat on a nearby bench a few feet away from me.

• Soda 🥤
r u free

• Kum
I am
You wanna hang out?
I'm up for that!

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