"The Locker Room" 🍋

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"The Locker Room."
lmao long again 😹
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Komaeda's POV <3

"Good game." I ran up to Hinata, tossing a towel in his face. "Good g-" He stepped back at the towel hitting him. "Trying to make me go blind and trip someone?" He asked with a laugh. He grabbed the towel off of his head, tossing it over his shoulder.

"Anyway, good game." He smiled, heading towards the locker room.

I watched him walk out of the gym, looking him up and down. God, he's irresistible.

"Komaeda!" One of the boys called. I turned around, smiling and walking towards the most energetic of the team.

Kazuichi Soda.

"Dude, stop fantasizing about Hinata and let's play one more round." He placed his hand on my shoulder, leading me to our team.

"He might leave before our game ends." I frowned. "Dude. He leaves when everyone else does. Dumbass." Soda looked at me. "Come on, get your mind off of him for a while."

"You literally do the same thing as me with Sonia." I said. "Do you want to be on opposite teams?" Soda slowly turned to me. "I don't know. Do I?" I walked away from him, going on the opposite team's side. I smiled at Kuzuryu and Tanaka as I stood next to them.

Soda looked at me as if he were heartbroken.

"Alright, boys." Our coach walked in. "Who's playing until three?" He asked. All of us raised our hands. "Alright. Don't stay on court too long. This place closes at 3:30. Remember that." He waved a hand at us, exiting the gym.

Everyone got in their places. Six people on each side.

Tanaka and Soda were the captains, and they were discussing who went first. After deciding, the two got in place behind everyone else.

Soda held the ball, as he would be starting.

"Ready! One, two, three!" Soda called out, tossing the ball up in the air.

"Got it!" One of his teammates, Nidai, hit the ball over the net.

"I got it!" One of my teammates, Kuwata, ran and got under the ball, hitting it straight up.

"I've got it!" I ran, bumping the ball over the net in time.

The other team failed to hit the ball.

"One point for us!" Tanaka called out.

I could see Soda give me the middle finger. I stuck my tongue out at him. Dramatic ass.

"Ready!" Tanaka yelled after retrieving the ball.

We played until the clock striked 2:30, and everyone was taking a break.

"I'm still hurt from your stupid little switch." Soda opened his water bottle, tilting his head up and drinking.

"You literally asked if you wanted to be on opposite teams." I crossed my arms. "I was fucking joking!" Soda closed his bottle.

"Whatever. Hey, im heading to the locker rooms. When will you guys be done?" I asked.

"We'll be done at exactly three. Dumbass." Soda snickered. "Shut up." I hit his shoulder.

"See you at three." I said. Soda and I waved to each other. He went back to the court, talking with Tanaka and everyone else about how the teams will work with one less player.

Time to work my magic with my mister. I grinned.

Hinata's POV <3
Rewind 😹

I shut my locker and locked it, tossing my arm and knee pads in my bag. I checked my phone on the bench. It's only two. I'll be able to sneak a look at Komaeda for a while.

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