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The fire roared as it ripped through the village. Thick black smoke rose as the ever hungry flames consumed everything in their path. The screams of the villagers filled the air as they tried to flee in terror. Running from both the flames and their brutal attackers, who cut them down without mercy. Amist the chaos a cloaked figure casually walked through the horrific scene. Appearing to enjoy the chaos around them. Suddenly the figure stopped, a sound catching their attention. Changing direction, the figure went to investigate the source of the sound. Following the noise, they stepped into a destroyed building. They looked around the room, but didn't see anything. The figure was about to leave when out of the corner of their eye they spotted movement. The figure slowly walked over to an over turned crate. Stopping in front of the crate, the figure stomped on the top. A small cry came from beneath the crate. Confirming their suspicions, the cloaked figure kicked over the crate, revealing a small child that was hiding underneath. The child looked up at the figure, eyes wide with fear. Too terrified to move or even speak. They just stared up at the hooded person looking down at them. The frightened child could only watch as the hooded person reached into their cloak and pulled out a dagger. Tears of fear streamed down the child's face as they watched the figure slowly raise the dagger, preparing to strike. The nearby fire removed the shadow that hid the cloaked figures face. A woman with a cold look in her eyes, stared down at the child. The child begged the woman to spare them. But their pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears, as the woman just looked at them. Still holding the dagger above her head the woman gave an evil smile. Then without mercy the woman drove the dagger down.


Akira franticly tried to sit up. So quickly and in such a panic, that she lost her balance. Before she knew what happened, Akira found herself crashing to the floor. Her legs still on her bed, as she layed on her back staring up at the ceiling. She made an annoyed grumble as she slid her bottom half off the bed. Akira got up and made her way over to the mirror. She looked at the bucket of water on the table underneath. Akira splashed some water on face, trying to fully wake herself up. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, seeing the bags under her eyes.

These nightmares are killing me.

Akira combed her fingers through her long Crimson hair as she walked over to the small pile of clothes on the floor. She picked a shirt, pair of pant, her boots and put them on. After she got dressed, Akira threw on her cloak, put up her hood and headed out.

(Thinking to herself) I need some air.

Akira walked through the bustling little town. She walked past street vendors selling their wares. Townsfolk going about their business. And children playing as they ran through the street. Akira made her way to the town's tavern and went inside. Once in the tavern, Akira walked over and sat at the bar. She motioned to the bartender for a drink. The bartender filled up a mug with ale and sat it in front of her.

3 bronze pieces.

Akira got her out coin bag and tossed the money on the counter. The bartender took his payment and moved on with his business. Akira sat there nursing her drink as she tried to clear her head. She was deep in her own thoughts when she heard a voice behind her.

You're in my seat.

Akira looked down the bar, then back at her drink.

There's plenty of open seats, just sit somewhere else.

I want this seat. Now move.

(Sigh) Look I had a rough morning and I just wanna have a drink in peace.

The bar patron grabbed Akira's shoulder.

I said move.

(Annoyed sigh) Fine.

HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now