Body Positivity

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Philza's arms stayed wrapped around me, squeezing me as much as he could. His face stayed in the crook of neck, tears slowing down. Cries quieting to whimpers. I softly scratched the back of his head, loving the feeling of his soft hair inbetween my fingers. I hummed quietly, letting Phil and the crows nearby listen in on it.

"You calmer now?" I softly asked the fragile man, my humming now stopped as did his crying hiccups. I felt him slowly nod, slow breaths hitting my exposed collarbone. "I'm glad. What do you want to do?"

"Hugs!" Phil began to squeeze me even more, earning a squeak out of me. "Your body shall always be beautiful Y/N! No matter how much negativity you feed your mind, to me, you will always be the most beautiful person with the most beautiful body I've ever met in this modern timed world."

"I..." I gasped out, the squeezing loosened to an embrace in the man's arms. It felt like I was a kid, which, last time I checked, I was not. I was an adult. Phil chuckled as he stared lovingly at me, his head at an angle where he could see my face from the crook of my neck. "Too many words to process fully. But thank you Philza."

"You're very much welcome," He nodded, continuing to embrace me in his arms. Our eyes stayed locked on with each other, such love and care hidden in his. The crows snapped us out of our trances, our heads whipping around to look at the murder sitting comfortably on my bedroom's desk. Though they were glaring slightly at us for some reason. "Of course, I am very sorry my little crows. The issue at hand is more important at the moment, I can not forget that."

"Oh yeah," I mumbled out, feeling his arms unwrap around my body. We walked over towards my desk, Phil sat down on my chair almost immediately. I frowned; now I had to stand. "We need to figure out where Tommy lives - not his actual address but the city he lives in or something to help us."

"You do not need to stand dear Y/N," Phil reassured me, smiling as I typed down on my keyboard. My face focused on the task at hand, though my eyes glanced at him while he spoke. "You can sit with me on the chair of yours, do not fret at all. You can even sit on my lap if you need to, do not worry - my lap is quite comfy. Your spine must be hurting much from having to bend down and type like that, I do not want to see you in such pain."

My eyes glared at him wide, stopping mid-type. Oh no. Please god no. I've read enough fanfiction to understand this situation. Like two people, one bed, except two people... one chair. I shuddered, I wouldn't want that. Though... he was right, my back was starting to hurt from bending down to type. I couldn't argue, and he was being so sweet about it, so I agreed to Phil's offer. Sitting down on his thigh, he smiled brightly at me, happy that I took him up on it.

"I am so glad you did it," The man joyfully said, letting a crow hop onto one of his palms. I continued to type, trying my hardest to look for the city that TommyInnit resided in. Google wasn't helping. A first. "I do not want you getting hurt, or injured. Is my thigh comfortable for you? I hope I am not injuring you or your own body-"

"You're not hurting me Phil," I laughed as I waved my hands, turning back to continue typing. Luckily I had finished my work before he came to my house, so I don't need to be distracted by anything else other than trying to locate Phil's, supposed, reincarnated son, Theseus. He smiled as he heard me say those words to him, I could tell as his face was in my peripheral vision. I let my eyes roam his body for a second before looking back at my PC, he was still in the coat that his son had gifted him. How sweet.


"When was the last time you'd washed your coat?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows with a frown. I wasn't angry, I was actually worried. His eyebrows raised as his eyes widened, my own eyes locked onto him. My hands no longer on my keyboard, but instead gently grabbing his coat-covered biceps. Phil furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think of an answer for me. "Don't stress Phil."

"I do not remember the last time I cleansed this coat, furrow or not," The old king shrugged his shoulders, frowning as his eyes looked down at the carpeted floor instead of my own. Sighing in defeat, I waved my hand a little, indicating for him to remove the cloak. "You will clean it? Umm..."

"Worried? I get it; sentimental and all," I smiled with warmth in my tone, chuckling as he slowly and carefully removed his coat. He handed me the coat, frowning the entire time. "I'll put it in the washing machine now."

"Washing... machine?" Philza asked, walking beside me with a crow on his shoulder. We stopped in front of the machine that was resting beside the dryer. An eyebrow raised at the two machines in front of him. "What is the other one?"

"That one's the washing machine," I pointed at it with a smile, before pointing to the dryer next. "That's the dryer. Two machines that powerfully clean clothes furrowly and quickly."

"Powerfully?" He gasped, gently dragging me away from the laundry room. I looked at him with confusion, letting him have the coat back. His arms gently wrapped around it, protecting it with his life. "My gifted coat from my late son, it needs to be carefully cleansed. Not powerfully! That will damage any part of my precious coat."

"Ah... okay, I understand," I nodded, extending my hand out to take the coat back. Getting the coat, I walked over to the kitchen sink nearby. "I'll hand wash it then. What are you going to do while waiting?"

"I will scrub the muck on the crows," Philza answered with a bright smile, clapping his hands together. "It is the least I can do to repay you Y/N."

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