To my Family

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To my family,

I am writing this email to let you all know that I'm going away for a while. It dawned on my last night after some questionable decisions that I, Evelyn Rae Hadley, am in need of some time alone. No kids, no parents, no fiancés or ex-husbands.

You see, I never truly learned who Evelyn was. I graduated high school and took off to Vegas. I hooked up with a man 20 years older than me and became pregnant with his son. We got engaged the very next time I saw him almost a year later after a one night stand. We went on to have three more children together all within a few years. I honestly don't remember any time within that marriage I wasn't a pregnant baby making factory.

While I was at home with the kids, my now ex husband was out on the town with numerous women. All through our 8 year relationship, he wasn't at faithful. I resented him for the years we spent and couldn't understand why someone would do that to someone they love.

And then I did. I was caught by my fiancé with my ex husband. I had been with my fiancé for almost a year and we had welcomed a child together. Within two months of having our child, I was running back to my ex husband and cheating.

Only now do I now realize I'm not better than my ex. Only now do I realize how truly fucked up my mistake was and how badly I hurt everyone around me.

My heart breaks to leave but I do believe it's for the best. At least for a little while. I need to figure out who Evelyn really is as I don't think I know her either.

Please take care of my babies. They mean more to me than anyone or anything. I don't feel like I can go on as a healthy, happy mother if I don't figure myself out first.

Mom & Dad- I love you. I know my children are in good hands with you.

Nancy Bagans- In the end, I am just as guilty of infidelity as your son was. The pot calling the kettle black.

Becca & Andrew Wasley- Your son doesn't deserve to be loved the way I loved him. He deserves complete happiness and love.

My babies- Mom will be home soon, she's just figuring out who Mom is.

Jay- I am completely apologetic for my mistake. You were right to assume it wasn't the first or last time it had happened. I don't deserve you and will be mailing you my ring soon.

Zak- I've become just like you. I'm no better than you. But I need you as bad as you are for me, I need you. Like an addict needs a fix. And like an addict, I need to be in rehab for a while to kick this addiction of you and your magnitude.

I'm moving to another state for a while. Hoping to get a fresh start. I'm shutting down all social media platforms of mine and will only be in correspondence via text, call or email.

I'm so sorry, I need this time for me before I cause anymore damage.

Xx- E


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