Writing Prompt 3

15 0 0


It was no accident.

A letter-bound black book, small and dense in its pages, innocently waited for her that morning on the doorstep. She picked it up, ran her hand over the cover-- the book had no title, no cover. She set it on a counter and went on with her day, the mystery of its pages gnawing at the back of her mind all the while.

Evening set in, and quiet settled over the neighborhood. The girl, in a white nightgown, passed the book, holding a candlestick to light the way.

Nothing had more importance. The book drew her attention like the void.

With her free hand, she took the book by the spine and directed her path to the living room.


This one was a picture based prompt! This is probably one I'll come back to expand on because I didn't finish writing the actual story I had in mind lmao.

Spoilers, but basically the book is a collection of detailed murders, each chapter beginning with a letter-bound black book being picked up by someone. The chapter then proceeds to talk about the character's day until they read the book and a person comes to stabby stabby them. And so the same thing is happening to this character :)

Okay byeeeeeee

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