Writing Prompt 4

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As dog days go, this one started out normally. A little white dog, a stray with no name, woke under the Mexican sun and went about his usual routine. Wander to the friendly food vendor for a hot breakfast; bask under the morning light; and trot around the Mexican streets, happily accepting pets from any passerby.

Today the streets were emptier than usual; the bustle of daily life came from farther away. Ears perked and tail up, the dog followed the noise. And then around the corner, he saw everyone, and the air was abuzz with chatter. Smiling a doggish smile, the dog set on a jaunty trot down the stony street, like the crowd was cheering for him!

Today was a good day to be a dog.


Another picture prompt! It was like a marathon but there was also a dog basically.

Not a fan of how I ended it so I might come back to rework it lol

Okay byeeeee

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