How does time move backwards?
There can be no backward without forward. In that sense, the course of life for any organism living in this backwards world has already neen determined and lived out. How would this occur? Perhaps through a time-machine mishap? Some sci-fi experiment gone wrong?
What are the nature of thoughts, then? Do they become backwards gibberish? All thoughts have been thought; all actions have been acted. Could you truly live in a backward world, then? Is this kind of world merely observable? Would its inhabitants know they are living in such a way?
I suppose the only certainty is erasure, that this world ends and begins with nothing. Perhaps.
Prompt was to write about a world in which time moves backwards. And I thought about how the logistics of that would even work so here we are.
That's it 👍
Tales From Creative Writing
RandomYeah 👍 Stuff from my creative writing class. The cover is ugly semi-on-purpose