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Jo had been up since six, anxious and excited; and panicking honestly. She'd changed her outfit three times, pulled her hair up, put it back down and ended with a half up hairdo. She'd wanted to have this facetime date, but now it feels daunting to actually talk to him on the phone. Messaging was one thing, it was easy, she could hide her facial expressions and think a minute before responding. Facetime means he'll see her face, hear her laugh, and she could quite easily embarrass the hell out of herself.

Plopping herself in her comfortable armchair she twiddles her phone between her fingers, waiting for Michael to call. She'd sent him her number yesterday and he promised to call at exactly 8am. One minute away...

Jo physically jumps as her phone starts vibrating in her hands, dropping it loudly to the floor, scrambling to pick it up before swiping to answer the facetime call from the unknown number.

"Hello." Her voice is slightly exasperated, falling back into the chair properly.

"You okay, Jo?" Michael sounds amused as he asks, a grin on his face.

"I might have dropped my phone. I'm good now." She chuckles, "Sorry."

"Did you get ready for this call? I expected ratty hair and visible morning breath."

"Are you mad that I brushed my hair and changed into a real shirt?" She laughs.

"Na, you look pretty, Jo." Michael smiles.

"Thanks." She blushes, "I was actually nervous for this call. I know I asked for it, but suddenly I was afraid you'd realize how weird I am, or dislike something about me and ghost me."

"I honestly don't think that will happen, Jo. If anything I'm afraid you'll get sick of me and ghost me."

"Probably not." She chuckles, "What did you do today? Since it's mid-afternoon for you."

"Luke and I went to lunch and just hung out. Nothing too crazy, we've been taking it easy since we've had a couple days off from shows."

"You're in London right?"

"Ya, we played Leeds on Friday and came back to London that night, we were here yesterday and today and then off to Germany tonight for the show tomorrow. What are your plans for today? After our call."

"I'm not sure yet, might just have a day at home. I could lay out by the pool, or go for a swim, maybe read?"

"You could do all three, and post thirst trap photos again."

"You'd like that wouldn't you." She laughs.

"Ya, similar to how much you liked that photo I posted on Friday." He smirks.

"You have a talented photographer and he had a great subject to capture." She shrugs.

"I'll make sure Ryan knows you approve of his work."

"Maybe after our call." She suggests.

"Definitely not going to interrupt our call to go find him. He's on tour with me, you're on the other side of the world."

"I am far too aware of that. I have been for pretty much every minute of every day since we met." She chuckles sadly. "When do you come back stateside again?"

"Mid May, but we tour Mexico the week after we are back, and then we tour North America in June and July."

"North America does give us the opportunity to be in at least almost the same time zone more often." She shrugs.

"I wonder if any of our shows line up with any of your games." Michael frowns suddenly.

"Do you play Vegas on this tour?"

End GameWhere stories live. Discover now