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Jo can't help the smile practically tattooed on her face as she climbs from her car, barely holding back full on laughter spilling from her lips. She hadn't been this excited since the day she got drafted, at least that is the day that comes to mind when she thinks about something as exciting as picking up Michael from the airport, and actually getting to leave with him this time.

Glancing at her phone again once she's in arrivals, she sighs, knowing it will be a minute before he gets to her. He'd flown in from Mexico, an international flight, which means he has to go through customs. He'd texted her twenty minutes ago that they'd landed, but between taxiing to the gate and then getting through customs it could be a while still.

Finding herself a bench to sit, she waits, twiddling her keys between her fingers, repeatedly looking up towards where people are exiting, holding her breath every time a large group comes through. Eventually though he does appear, a beanie and mask covering most of his face, and a small duffel bag over his shoulder.

Standing from her place she quickly moved across the large room, jumping into his arms as he drops his bag. "Hi." She chuckles into his neck.

"Hi, Jo." He hums, his face tucked into her shoulder as he holds her tightly to himself.

"I can't believe you're actually here for the next five days." She sighs, stepping back slightly when her feet hit the ground again.

"Finally." He chuckles, tangling his fingers with hers as he reaches to pick his bag up again.

"Do you have anything else you need to grab?"

"Na, my big bag went back to LA with the crew, Luke's going to get it home for me. This is everything." He motions to the duffel.

"Let's go then." She grins, tugging softly at his hand until he falls instep beside her, heading out of the airport towards the garage.

"Of all our ten minutes in the airports, this is by far my favorite." He jests as they head down one escalator to where she's parked.

"Mine too, and I already know that Thursday is going to be my least favorite." She chuckles kind of sadly.

"Thursday will come, no need to dwell on it now, Jo." He smiles sympathetically, letting go of her hand as she moves to open the trunk space of her car. Tossing his bag into the back he pulls his mask off shoving it in one of the outside pockets.

"There's that beautiful face of yours." She smiles up at him, her hand lifting to cradle the side of his jaw.

"Ya?" He chuckles, pushing her trunk closed before his arm hooks her waist pulling her into his chest.

"Ya." She hums, toeing up to meet him halfway. Their lips meet softly at first, almost hesitant before Michael's second hand lifts to thread into her hair, pulling her closer as he kisses her harder.

"I've wanted to do that for weeks." Michael chuckles lightly as they pull apart.

"Hopefully it wasn't a disappointment then." Jo giggles softly.

"No, even better than I imagined actually." He mumbles, kissing her again.

"Come on, we should get out of here." She chuckles, stepping away from him and rounding the car to the driver's seat, Michael hurrying to climb in the passenger side.

"Are you hungry? We could get lunch on the way back to the house if you want." Jo asks as she pulls out of the parking garage, the desert sun shining down on then suddenly.

"We've already discussed this, Jo." He laughs, his left hand falling to her thigh as he turns to look at her, "I can always eat."

"Good, because I'm ready for lunch too." She grins.

End GameWhere stories live. Discover now