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"Jo-" "I love you." Michael's thoughts stop abruptly, his entire body feeling like it has been jolted. He did not expect those three words to leave her mouth, definitely not right now.

"What?" He asks after a moment, not sure how to react.

"I love you, Michael. And I'm sorry." She hugs her arms around herself, "Okay?"

"But, my house... You could, you could have called. You just, just left me there, with— with a shattered heart." He stumbles over every word as he tries to comprehend what is happening.

"I know." She nods, her voice already full of emotion, "I know, and I have regretted it for weeks." She sighs, "I didn't know what to do. I almost called so many times. I should have called. I was so afraid to hear you angry, to realize I made you hate me, so I didn't."

"I don't hate you, Jo." He breathes out a chuckle, "I don't think I could ever hate you."

"I broke your heart, I promised you in New York that I didn't want to do that and then I did it anyway." She shakes her head, "I got scared, of my feelings, of being close to you, of my history with men, I'm sorry."

"After meeting your dad, and your ex, I can't exactly blame you for that now can I?" He sighs, taking a couple steps so he's closer to her.

"I can't believe you came..." She chuckles, "Oh shit, you probably want nothing to do with me now. Why would you after seeing the absolute dumpster fire tonight turned into?"

Hey," He laughs lightly, and it honestly feels good to laugh, "I promise, I still want everything to do with you, Jo. I never stopped wanting everything to do with you, you were the one who walked away from me a month ago."

"Ya, and that plus my fucked up family and past is worth hightailing it the other direction as far as humanly possible. It's really a natural reaction for your own self preservation."

"Stop, Jo." He sighs, "Don't try to push me away, please! I don't care how insane your dad is, or your ex-boyfriend. I don't care if your schedule has you on the opposite side of the world every fucking day of the year. I don't care about any of that, I care about you, Jo, and I want you back. I want you to be mine again, all mine. All the crazy around you could never scare me off, baby. I love you, I want you for as long as you can put up with me."

"Pretty sure you'll get sick of me before I could even start to find you annoying." She chuckles, "You're far too perfect to ever get tired of."

"Far from it, ask pretty much anyone in my life." Michael smiles softly, "Please don't try to pull away again, Jo. I barely survived the first one, I don't think I'd make it through you leaving me again."

"Does that mean you're going to let me back in?" She steps slightly closer, within arms reach now.

"If you promise to stay this time." He nods, offering out his hand.

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be." She smiles, taking his hand, giggling as he yanks her forward, her chest hitting his as his arms wrap around her quickly.

"I love you, Jo." Michael mumbles into her hair, finally relaxing in a way he knew he'd needed as he breathes in her scent again.

"I love you too, Michael. I'm so sorry I was terrified of that, and that I hurt you so badly." She mumbles into his chest.

"When did you realize you loved me, Jo?" Michael asks softly.

"About the time I sat down on the plane home from LA... It was a lot easier to accept my feelings when I wasn't going to hurt you anymore." She sighs, "But it took until last week for me to fully accept the fact that breaking your heart was the wrong choice, that fighting for love was better than running from the best person that has ever happened to find his way into my life. I just couldn't figure out how to make you forgive me. Plus, playoffs, it's not exactly the right time to be flying to LA to try..."

"Well, I guess we better thank Jackie for calling me in a blind panic after the game on Sunday and convincing me to come out today." Michael sighs.

"I didn't know she actually had your number. I was shocked when I saw you walk into the arena tonight."

"She didn't, she stole your phone while you showered, called me, and then deleted the call from your history so you didn't lose it on her." He laughs.

"So you thought it was me? And you didn't decline the call?" She pulls away, shock painted across her eyes.

"I'd just watched your game, I knew how you'd be feeling about yourself and I knew Spencer and your dad had been there. I was hoping you were reaching out to me to help you calm yourself down. I can only imagine how bad that night was for you."

"You watched my game? Even after I'd broken your heart?"

"It was torture in someways, but it also gave me the chance to see you, to watch you do what you love. I missed you so fucking much, Jo. I was ready to do anything to even get a glimpse of your smile again. Even when you were running from me, I was still your biggest fan, I will always be your biggest fan, Jordan Plum. Always."

"I thought about calling you that night, not in an I'm actually going to do it kind of way, but more in an I wish I hadn't ruined my ability to do it way."

"You should have called." Michael whispers. "Especially after your dad and Spencer showed up courtside. I've never wanted to punch someone as badly as I did when the announcers mentioned who he was..."

"He's not worth punching." Jo laughs, "Thank you for coming tonight though, it means so much to me. And thank you for forgiving me so easily for all the pain I know I caused you. You didn't deserve that from me."

"I had to come, when Jackie told me you were in trouble, that you needed someone who loved you to be here to fight for you, it had to be me. And no I didn't deserve it, but I also understand to an extent the stress and pressure you're under, and I can see why you thought ending things was the better option in that moment. I'm mostly just grateful you came to your senses and I've got you in my arms again."

"Me too." She smiles, stepping back into his chest, tightening her hands around his hoodie.

"I love you, Jordan Plum."

"And I love you, Michael Clifford." She grins, her eyes fluttering closed as he bends slightly to finally press his lips to hers again.

Yay! They made up!!! But the story ain't over.


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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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