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Molly myself & I
The knowledge that Jordan has a playlist simply titled "🧸❤️" and it is filled will songs Michael sings on is everything to me. I love them 🥺
Emotional Brenda
The fact that it's almost always her most recent listen when I check what my friends are streaming too 🥹😭 we stan Jordan's love for Michael
Molly myself & I
I want to know how Michael feels about his girl having a playlist dedicated to his voice, because it seems so romantic to me
Michael Clifford
I didn't know about it until now. I'm 🥺🥺🥺


"Hey, Nathan, practice is over." Jo glances over her shoulder to see Jackie wandering from the back door towards her, catching the basketball as it bounces back to her.

"Really the Nathan thing again?" Jo sighs.

"You've been in a mood since dad came to town last week, what's up?" Jackie frowns.

"I'm just frustrated I guess." Jo sighs, "And not having basketball as an outlet is driving me crazy. Plus Michael has been so busy with the end of tour, it feels like he's ghosting me. We've gone days without talking this week, and I don't like it, it brings back too many other thoughts..."

"Michael is head over heels for you, Jo. Why would he ghost you?" Jackie asks.

"Because he told me he loved me, he told me we are endgame, that he believes in us lasting, and I couldn't say it back." Jo admits.

"But, you do love him. Why couldn't you say it?"

"I don't know if I love him... I'm scared to love him." Jo whispers, "It wasn't as scary when it was just about having fun, about getting attention, and just flirting. Even planning for future trips and such didn't feel all that daunting. And then when I confronted him about the way I was becoming afraid he told me we were endgame and that he loved me. But I couldn't get myself to say it back, and it festered the entire week we were in New York. He never asked me why I didn't say it back, and I was too cowardly to bring it up again... Now we're apart and he's probably second guessing everything between us, all because I didn't communicate my feelings properly."

"So fix it. Tell him you love him, make sure he knows how you feel."

"I can't do that over the phone, especially not after the way I left all of those things in a mess when I got on that flight home from New York."

"Then blow off one day of therapy and get on a flight. Go find him, and tell him."

"He's all over the place still, I can't ambush him on tour."

"Then meet him at home on Wednesday. I know you could get a hold of someone who could help you with that. Pick love, Jo. Pick love over basketball for once." Jackie practically begs.

"How can I pick love over basketball when basketball is my first love?"

"By picking Michael. Ya, you've been hurt before, Jo. You were hurt badly by what happened when you came to Vegas. But Michael isn't the guy who hurt you, and he doesn't deserve you hurting him or sabotaging what you two have just because you're scared. You got injured by basketball but you're still going to play, why can't you give love the same second chance?"

"The dislocated shoulder hurts a hell of a lot less than the betrayal and lies..." Jo shrugs, dribbling the basketball in her hand to give her something to focus on besides Jackie's interrogation.

"You really are Nathan Scott aren't you?" Jackie chuckles, stealing Jo's dribble and picking up the ball, forcing Jo to look at her.

"Why have you always compared me to a teen drama character from like 2005?"

End GameWhere stories live. Discover now