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"This morning already sucks, and we've only been awake for twenty minutes." Michael grumbles, shoving his phone charger into his bag, glancing around Jo's room to double check he has all his possessions.

"I told you today would be the worst." Jo chuckles sadly, exiting her closet with the jerseys she needs, adding them to her bag sitting open beside his on the bed.

"We could run away from responsibility if you wanted." Michael jokes, watching as she rolls her eyes at him. "I mean it, Jo. We could go to Hawaii, or Jamaica, Bali, or Thailand. We could book flights and be on a sandy beach with drinks in our hands by tomorrow." He pushes further.

"You know what, that does sound nice." She turns, wandering to him, her arms wrapping around his waist.

"We could throw our phones into the ocean and just be off the grid for as long as we wanted." Michael muses.

"Mhm." Jordan's eyes close as she listens.

"Nowhere to be and nothing to do except be together." He whispers, his nose bumping into hers.

"I like the sound of that." She whispers, her lips brushing his for a moment, "You should plan that for October or November." She adds, laughing as he sighs.

"I knew you weren't going to run away with me today." He grumbles.

"You wouldn't do that to your band with tour starting again in just a couple weeks, and you know I wouldn't ditch out only weeks into my season." She laughs, stepping away to keep working on packing her bag.

"Maybe I will plan a trip for November, before I have to be in Sydney for the end of the tour, but after you're done with your season and the World Cup."

"Maybe I should do that, you've done so much for me and for us by making this weekend work, and for figuring out New York would line up and such. I can plan us a trip somewhere warm and relaxing." She sighs, wandering into the bathroom to find her toiletries.

"Maybe we should plan it together." Michael chuckles, following her and leaning himself against the doorway as he watches her collect the things she'll need.

"That sounds fun." She nods, "You know you could just stay here a couple nights. I'll be back on Sunday."

"I know, but I have a few things to do at home before heading back on tour too. If I could have stayed longer I would have planned it that way from the start." He frowns, stepping behind her at the counter, hugging his arms around her middle.

"Six weeks." She sighs, "I barely knew you six weeks ago and now the idea of not seeing you for six weeks makes me want to cry."

"Don't cry, we'll facetime still, and text, we'll make it. And in six weeks we'll be able to celebrate that after that it shouldn't be six weeks again for a long time." He mumbles, burying his head into her neck.

"I look forward to it not being six weeks." She chuckles, "In six weeks it will be only two weeks from the end of your tour."

"And I will be back here after tour, to cheer you on at as many games as I can before I have to really dive into the album release." He hums.

"And after my season ends, we can take a much needed vacation, just the two of us." She leans back into his chest, sighing. "That feels like forever away."

"It will be here sooner than we think." Michael presses his lips to her cheek, picking up her phone from the counter, swiping left to open the camera as he pulls her tighter into his chest with his other arm around her waist.

"At least I'll have a million pictures of us to keep me going." She chuckles, smiling up at him as he continues to snap pictures.

"That's why I've been taking so many this week." He nods, bending slightly to kiss her lips, still tapping the phone to take photos.

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