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"We should have your results in about twenty minutes, you can stay here and the doctor will be back once your medical team has gone over everything." The nurse smiles as she shows Jo back to her exam room.

"Thanks." She nods, taking a seat in the waiting vinyl chair. She'd called her doctor as soon as she'd got home this morning, someone in the Aces organization must have called ahead because her doctors office knew she'd be calling, and they already set aside an appointment for her. She'd been scheduled for the last appointment of the night, that night. She was grateful to be sitting in her doctor's office, to have already had an MRI done, and to know she was going to be able to have some answers before going to bed tonight.

Pulling out her phone after a while, when the silence becomes deafening to her anxious mind, she finds Michael's contact, grateful he's not due on stage for nearly an hour, hitting call on his contact.

"Hey, baby. What's the doctor saying?" Michael answers after only one ring.

"Nothing yet, I just finished my MRI, they are going over the results and then they'll be back here to tell me what's going on. You made it to Indianapolis for soundcheck right?"

"Ya, I was here in plenty of time." He chuckles, "I'm glad you got in to see a doctor today. I was worried you'd have to wait until Monday to be seen."

"So was I. It will be nice to have some answers tonight. To know if my season is over or not. If I need surgery or not. If my career is over..."

"Your career isn't over, Jo. A dislocated shoulder isn't going to bench my girl forever, you're way too strong for that."

"I don't know if I've ever felt more weak honestly." She sighs.

"Injury does not equal weakness, Jo. Remember that okay?"

"I'll try..."

"Hey, Jo." Michael's voice is soft, "I miss you."

"I miss you too." She smiles sadly.

"And, Jo."


"I love you."

"I— I have to go." Jo hangs up suddenly as a knock comes at the door, the doctor walking in with her file.

"Have any guesses on how long you're out of the game?" The doctor asks as she settles into the stool across from Jo.

"A year?" Jo deadpans, not in the mood to get hopeful.

"Much less." Her doctor smiles, "The MRI shows heavy bruising and strains in the tendons and muscles around your shoulder socket, but only very minor tears. Ice and rest for a couple days and then physical therapy will begin. It's going to be uncomfortable as it heals but my guesstimate is four to six weeks downtime with physical therapy and some electrotherapy. The trainer will have final say on when you return, but there is a chance you're back part way through the playoffs if everything goes well."

"Four to six weeks?" Jo can't help but scoff slightly in surprise, "I was not expecting that."

"I'm glad we had good news for you. I'll send all of the information to your team's training staff and they'll get in touch with you to start therapy for that shoulder. Tonight, I want you to ice it, and again a couple times tomorrow. Keep the sling on until Monday as well, the trainer can give you more guidance on how long you need to wear the sling once you start therapy."

"That is amazing news, honestly amazing." Jo chuckles. "I really was terrified I'd need surgery and months of therapy."

"The first twenty-four hours are the worst. The swelling is not great, but it will go down and your arm will heal, it will just take a few weeks. But listen to the trainers, and don't push yourself too hard. It's not a bad injury now, but if you push too hard it can become one."

"I got the injury because I wasn't listening to my coaches or my body. I'm not going to make it worse by doing the same thing again." She nods, "Thank you for putting me in your schedule tonight, doc."

"Of course, Jordan. I hope you get that shoulder back in shape so you can help the Aces bring home a championship this season."

"Me too."

"Call me if anything feels off in your shoulder, but from what the MRI showed you should be good with some physical therapy."

"I will. Thanks again." Jo nods, pushing out of her chair.

"Have a good night, and good luck with therapy."  The doctor waves her off as she leaves the office, feeling much calmer than when she arrived that morning. Pulling her phone out again as she gets in her car, she quickly calls Coach Hammon first.

"JP, give me some good news!" Coach Hammon sounds excited as she answers.

"I might be back for playoffs." Jo chuckles, "Is that good enough news for you?"

"As long as you're not joking." Coach responds quickly.

"No." Jo laughs, "The MRI showed a lot less damage than we were afraid of. Lots of physical therapy, but the doctor says I should be back in four to six weeks. Just in time for playoffs, or just in time for the season to be entirely over for us depending on how things go."

"We'll hold out until you're back with us. I'm glad to hear it's not worse. We'll see you Monday at the gym then?"

"Ya, my doctor is sending everything to Tyler and his team, I'll be working with them on recovery, so I'll be around practice, and at home games to cheer from the bench for our team."

"Good, what about away games?"

"The two week road trip isn't a good idea, since I need to be in consistent therapy to get back on my feet. I might be able to make Chicago work for the Commissioner Cup final, I'd like to be there for that."

"You should be there for that, you helped us secure a place in the finals of that competition. I'll work with Tyler to make sure that can happen. I'm glad it's not a worse injury, Jordan. We'll see you on Monday."

"Let the team know for me."

"I'll inform them tomorrow at shoot-around."

"Thanks, coach." Jo replies before ending the call, relaxing back in her seat as she drives home, anxious to call Michael and give him the update.



Liked by Jackiep, lvaces, and 3,382 othersJordanplum10: moments before disaster, but the comeback is already in motion

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Liked by Jackiep, lvaces, and 3,382 others
Jordanplum10: moments before disaster, but the comeback is already in motion. Thanks for the love and concern ❤️🖤 #ALLIN

aja22wilson: coming back stronger than ever!

Michaelclifford: can't wait to see the comeback 😍

Thoughts on what the doctor said? How the come back goes?

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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