Chapter 1

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Ellie had been stationed in DC for almost a year now. She didn't mind it. She was on constant deployments overseas, doing missions, and other things...but there haven't been any big missions to where she was needed, so she's been working on her planes, doing smaller missions, and flying exercises.

One day, right as she was getting ready to go up in the air, her commanding officer sends someone to bring her to his office.

"Lieutenant Harrison! Admiral Connors needs to see you!" The other Lieutenant yelled.

"You do see me about to get into my plane right?" She asked him sarcastically.

"He said it was urgent." He told her.

She shook her head and took her helmet off. She told them to pause the exercise while she went to go talk to her CO. She followed sort of hesitantly, confused as to what she was so urgently needed for. Once she got into his office, she could tell he was looking at her file, along with other papers. She stopped and saluted her CO before he dismissed her.

"Sorry for pulling you out of your flying exercise, Lieutenant Harrison." He began.

"That's alright. Could you tell me why you asked me here today?" She asked.

"You're getting sent somewhere else. You've been asked to report there in two days time at 0700 hours. You are to leave today to make your way over there." He told her.

"Over where, sir?" She asked confused.

"I got a telegram today. You're needed in San Diego...needed back at Top Gun. They have something they need to talk to you about. I see on your file that you are a Top Gun graduate yourself?" He asked her.

She stood there in shock.

"Y-Yes, sir. I did graduated from there." She told him.

"I will have someone come after your flight exercise to help you pack up everything you need." He told her.

"Thank you, sir." She nodded with a small smile.

She gave him another salute before going back to her plane. She was in shock. What could they possibly need her back at Top Gun for?

Her flying exercise went by very smoothly and quickly. When she got back to her little home on base, she started packing up everything, and packed it into a rental moving truck. She attached her car to the back of it, and made her way to the house she had over there. Her parents gifted her their small cottage-like beach house when they moved to Europe after her dad retired from the Navy. She was so happy to call that place her childhood home.

She pulled her car into the garage, and started to unload everything. She hung up all her clothes, then the other furniture she needed, and some decorations...her own personal homey touches. A few hours later, she was finally able to rest. She told herself she would go shopping for food tomorrow, because she was so tired. She stared out the window of the main bedroom. You could see the beach from her room. She opened the double doors on the small balcony, and let the ocean air fill its way in. She laid down on her bed and got ready to get some much needed sleep.

She was still thinking about why Top Gun called her back. She didn't know if it was just her, or if there would be others. She knew she would have to show off her skills, because she was going back to where the best pilots are. She was so eager to find out everything that made her come back, and she couldn't tell if she was very excited...or absolutely terrified.

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