Chapter 6

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Ellie got no sleep last night. She was too busy worrying, not worrying, then back to worrying. She knows Jake said it doesn't have to be how she thinks it'll be, but she cant help but think if one obstacle gets in the way...they're over. 

Today went by in a blur. They finally got to see a map of the mission. They had to look at a bunch of paperwork today, so all the flying would be tomorrow, and Maverick said he had to make sure he had permission to have them fly the course the way he wanted. As Ellie was walking to her car very sluggishly, she heard someone running up to her. 

"Ellie!" Jake yelled.

"Oh, hey." She waved tiredly.

"Hey, you alright?" He stopped her.

"Yeah, I'm just super tired." She looked up at him. 

"Do you wanna have a raincheck for tonight?" He asked, rubbing her shoulder. 

"I don't know." She shook her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose. 

"Something is bothering you. Here, I'll come over at 6:30 tonight, and if you wanna go out, we'll go out. If not, we can stay in. Or if you want me to leave, you can kick me out. Sound good?" He looked at her and smiled.

"That sounds fine. Thank you, Jake." She looked at him and chuckled. 

They talked for a little while more, as they walked to her car. She was so exhausted, she was kind of glad he offered to stay in if she didn't want to. When she got home, she changed into sweatpants and a tank top, and passed out on her bed. 

When 6:30 finally came and rolled around, she woke up jumping to the sound of the doorbell. She ran down the stairs, and opened the door to Jake standing there, also in sweats and a tank top.

"Aw, cute! We're matching!" She laughed as she rubbed her eyes.

"Or, you just are copying me now, because I'm just that much better than you. You just have to be just like me." He laughed as she opened the screen door. 

"Trust me, the last thing I want to be is like you." She chuckled.

"That was so rude." He walked in and acted hurt.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She yawned and laughed at the same time.

"I'm assuming you haven't eaten?" He asked.

"No, I haven't." She told him.

"That's fine. Find something to watch for you care if I look around in the kitchen?" He asked.

"No, go for it." She said as she plopped on the couch. 

Hangman came back with two plates, both having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on them.

"Oh, stop. You didn't have to make me anything." She laughed as she took the plate. 

"You need to eat, Ellie. I'm assuming you've been asleep since you got home?" He asked.

She chuckled and nodded.

"'re eating." He chuckled as he sat next to her.

Jake had no clue peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are her favorite. It made her so happy. She threw on a random movie, and they ate their sandwiches. As they were watching the movie, Jake put his arm around Ellie and brought her close to him. She threw her legs on his lap, and nuzzled into his side. 

"You wanna tell me what's bothering you now?" He rested his head on top hers.

"What if something happens, Jake. What if, at the end of this mission, this isn't here?" She looked up at him, hinting at the connection that was obviously already forming. 

He sat up a little bit and looked at her.

"Well, do you want that to happen?" He shuffled so he could look at her. 

"Do you?" She asked him nervously.

"Of course not. I really like you, Ellie. I want to keep seeing you. I'd like to see you all the time if I could." He looked at her.

"Wait, really?" She sat up in shock. 

"Yes. It really set it in stone for me last night. I was watching you the whole night. I wanna experience being that happy with you." He told her.

"That's so sweet. I'm so glad you feel the same." She smiled at him.

His face lit up. 

"You feel the same too?" He asked.

"No, Jake, I only said that to make your ego feel better. Yes, of course I feel the same." She laughed.

"Damn, Ellie...cut me a little slack here. Being sappy isn't my specialty." He laughed and put his hands up. 

She laughed and then rested her head on his shoulder.

"So, do you want to tell others?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's not that I don't want to, I'm just afraid Bob and Rooster might kill you." She laughed.

"Why those two? I would be a little more frightened of Nat." He laughed.

"Well, Bob is like my brother. He was always protective of me, no matter how awkward he is. And Bradshaw...well him and I have gotten along really well, and I can sense tension." She chuckled.

"Fine, we'll keep it a secret for a little bit. You can start telling people when you want." He smiled at her.

She smiled at him. She could tell how kind he was. She just didn't know why he made his ego get in the way of it all. He cupped her cheek, rubbing them gently with his thumbs.

"I really wanna kiss you right now, Ellie." He looked into her eyes.

"Then do it." She told him.

He pulled her into him. He pressed his lips onto hers, smiling into the kiss. She also smiled into the kiss. Ellie thought it was the most gentle, romantic, and passionate kiss. She never thought that this was ever going to happen, nor did she expect it to. She thought he was annoying and cocky when they met at the bar...but now her opinion of him was so different. He was still annoying and cocky, but he was also considerate, and kind. If they both get picked for this mission, there's no doubt that they'll succeed. However, they'll both be damned if they aren't there to save each other's asses. It just makes them both that much more determined to be picked. Now it was just up to Maverick to decide. 

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