Chapter 10

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Ellie and Jake have basically been inseperable since their night together. If they weren't in either of their bedrooms, they were making each other dinner, and knowing every little thing about each other. They would stay up late talking...nothing made them happier than just talking to each other. They didn't make it too obvious on base, even though almost everyone knew. They just didn't want Maverick or anyone else above him least not right now. Being with each other made them the happiest. It made them feel like they had known each other for years.

But that's what scared the both of them. They both were falling in love. They didn't want to admit it to themselves, because they told themselves that they wouldn't do this, but they couldn't help it. The pull they had towards each other was almost magnetic. What made it worse, is the fact that the leader for this mission was still being decided. It could be one of them...or the two main pilots would be them. But they both already knew they would go out of the way to make sure that the other was safe. 

Jake was trying his hardest to be the top dog for Maverick to pick. Ellie was trying just as hard to be on top. She would be proud (and impressed) if Jake got the spot over her. But, she would be damned if he didn't make it back to her. She didn't want to go through life with him being known as her biggest and worst heartbreak. What Ellie didn't know, Jake didn't want her flying. He was so scared of her flying this mission. He cared about her too much, and was so scared she wouldn't come back. He didn't want to come back without her. He didn't want to live his life without her in it. 

A couple of days later, everyone was flying the course. Everyone was getting good at flying the course...dropping the missiles was still a small challenge. Ellie missed every other time she flew. 

"I just do not understand how the hell I'm missing every other time. You would think if I got it once, I would be getting it every time." She told Bob.

"Hey at least you're getting it sometimes. Everyone else has gotten it maybe once, except Hangman. He probably has gotten it just as much as you." Bob chuckled. 

"Well at least we don't have to worry about making the shot." Natasha chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, but I gotta make sure my laser isn't gonna screw up. That way whoever is firing doesn't miss." He chuckled. 

"At least Maverick doesn't treat you like a dumbass when you miss." Rooster chuckled. 

"So what is with you and Maverick? Y'all have like had it out for each other since we started this whole thing." Ellie asked him. 

"He pulled my papers to the academy. It set me back 4 years. I've been pissed at him ever since." He explained.

"4 years? Damn. At least he didn't do it the second time around." She responded.

"That's because he got cut out of my life after my mom died. I didn't want him anywhere near me after that." He told her.

"Damn, I'm so sorry." She sympathized. 

"It was a long time ago. I'm okay now." He gave Ellie a friendly smile. 

They talked in a little circle before Jake, Payback, and Fanboy all came back in.

"Coyote, Phoenix, and three are next." Maverick said before walking back out.

Nat gave Rooster a rub on shoulders and told him she would see him later. I squeezed Bob's hand before they all left. Jake came up to Ellie and kissed the top of her head before sitting next to her. 

"How'd you do?" She asked. 

"I hit the target." He said proudly.

"That's great!" She smiled. 

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